Chapter 7

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OMG 312 reads honestly when I started to write this I expected like 20 reads because I'm kinda insecure about my writing because I know it kinda sucks I'm honestly so sorry that it has been so long 😔😞

They got settled into their seats which were more towards the backish middle Richelle started shivering
"It sure is cold in here" she said "here" he said rapping his sweater around her "thanks Ozzy, you're so sweet" she snuggled into his sweater they started eating the popcorn and watching the movie after they finished the popcorn Richelle put her hand in Ozzy's, Ozzy froze, she then layed her head on his shoulder, he couldn't move he was so surprised the girl that he had been crushing on for years and never showed any interest in him and shot him down every chance she got was now making moves on him it was unbelievable and for a minute he thought he must be dreaming but he wasn't it was real and so he finally calmed down and just enjoyed the rest of the movie with Richelle.

Finally the movie was over and they started to get into the car "here" Richelle said starting to take off the sweater that Ozzy let her borrow "No Richelle you can keep it" he smiled at her before starting the engine "she smiled back and clicked her seat belt and then they started driving. He stopped at her house and got out to walk her to the door "I had a great time tonight Ozzy" she said pulling him into a hug "me too" he said she pulled him into a kiss which lasted about 8 seconds "goodnight Ozzy" she waved before going into her house he hopped in the car and drove home.

He opened the door and immediately heard Izzy from the couch "so how did it go" she said pausing what she was watching "it went great we held hands and she layed on my shoulder I let her keep my jacket we kissed before she left and she said she had a great time" he said "oh my gosh so it's affitial" she said "yeah" he said "you should go get some rest" she told him "alright goodnight Izzy" he said "goodnight Ozzy" she waved to him before he got up the stairs. He hopped in bed after taking off his shoes and thought about how happy he was he was finally with the girl of his dreams he smiled before he drifted to sleep.


I hope you liked this story I know you were probably waiting a long time for the ending but it's finally here if you liked please give it a star 🌟 thank you all for reading this I know it probably wasn't even that good but thank you I love you all ❤💖💗💓💕

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