Chapter 5

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Hey I am so grateful thank you so much for 63 reads 😱❤ ok let's get on to the story

They both walked downstairs and ate a very awkward dinner with her mother who was trying to make small talk
"So Ozzy, Richelle says you're pretty smart" She said
"Oh she does" he said smirking at her
Her (Richelle) face turned red with embarrassment
"Oh yeah she's always talking about how nice you are" she said
Richelle's face became even more red
They finished dinner and Richelle and Ozzy went to talk/say goodbye on the porch
"So about the kiss I'm really sorry I didn't mean to and I'm sorry I didn't ask you first" he rambled
"Goodnight Ozzy" She said kissing him on the cheek
He put his hand on his cheek where she kissed him she went inside and closed the door behind her and left him standing there
He started walking home and thought about what this meant
He opened the door to the house and found Izzy sitting on the couch watching TV so he sat down next to her
"Oh my gosh ok spill what happened" She asked
"I went over to return the book then her mom invited me to stay for dinner " he said
"Good then what happened" She said
"I gave her the book, she invited me to her room" he explained
"Yes and" She questioned
"And we sort of kissed" he said
"OK we did kiss" he said "and when I was leaving she kissed my cheek"
"OH MY GOSH" She stood up "THATS SO CUTE" she sat back down "you know I shipped you two the whole time" She said moving her hands around "so are two like dating now"
"Calm down Izzy" he said "I don't even know what we are yet"
"What do you mean you're clearly something now you need to talk to her and make it sure before someone else sweeps her off her feet" she said
"OK I'll text her" he pulled out his phone

Ozzy: hey Richelle

Richelle: hi Ozzy

Ozzy: I just wanted to ask if we were like together now

Richelle: I don't know well just have to find out on our date tonight

He fell back on the couch with his eyes wide open
"What did she say" Izzy grabbed the phone from his hand "Oh my gosh" she shook him "so where are you gonna take her"
"I don't know YOU HAVE TO HELP ME" he shook her shoulders
"Fine" She said
"I can't believe after all this time crushing on her we're finally going out" he thought to himself

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