pilot part 6 just the beginning

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JAFFE glances over his shoulder and jerks his thumb towards the motel room. HEIN heads over there. DEAN fidgets.

SAM and Mazy sees HEIN approaching and they both darts away from the window.

So. Fake US Marshal. Fake credit cards. You got anything that's real

My boobs.

Dylan starts to laugh at what dean had said

DEAN grins.

HEIN slams Dean over the hood of the cop car.

You have the right to remain silent—


SHERIFF PIERCE enters the room, carrying a box. He sets the box on the table at which DEAN and Dylan sits and goes around the table to face DEAN along with Dylan across it.

So you want to give us your real name?

I told you, it's Nugent. Ted Nugent.

and I'm Ned Nugent Dylan says to the police after Dean has said his name

I'm not sure you both realize just how much trouble you're both in here.

We talkin', like, misdemeanor kind of trouble or, uh, squeal like a pig trouble?

Dylan snots at what Dean had said witch got him a dirty look from the Sheriff

You both got the faces of ten missing persons taped to your wall.

both Dean and Dylan looks away.

Along with a whole lot of Satanic mumbo-jumbo. Boys, you both are officially a suspect.

That makes sense. Because when the first one went missing in '82 I was three.

yeah you were three and I wasn't even one yet the son of Hades added on to what Dean was saying.

I know you've got partners. One of 'em's an older guy. Maybe he started the whole thing. So tell me. Dean, Dylan.

The SHERIFF tosses a brown leather-covered journal on the table.

This his?

both Dean and Dylan stares at it. The SHERIFF sits on the edge of the table. He flips through the journal: it's filled with newspaper clippings, notes, and pictures, just like what's on the walls of JOHN's motel room.

I thought that might be your name. See, I leafed through this. What little I could make out—I mean, it's nine kinds of crazy.

you can say that again, but after everything Mazy and I have gone through you would most likely think that you having a normal job is crazy Dylan mumbles under his breath not that anyone heard him thankful.

the Winchester and O'Conner man leans forward for a closer look.

But I found this, too.

He opens the journal to a page that reads "DEAN 35-111", circled, with nothing else on that page. while on the other page beside it read "follow the Snake Mazy and Dylan". witch makes the son of Hades roll his eyes at the massage John had left him and Mercy.

Now. You're both stayin' right here till you tell me exactly what the hell that means.

DEAN stares down at the page, then looks up.

while Dylan looks at the massage wanting to laugh at it, since snakes could mean something to do with a child of Hermes.


Sam and Haven go to talk to Constance husband to find out if she could be a woman in white or not. it turn out that Mr. WELCH did indeed cheat on his wife. witch mean she is indeed a woman in white.

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