you want me to go on a plane are you crazy? (Phantom Traveler) part 1

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A still frame of a tropical beach scene. Hawaiian-style music plays.


A plane taking off is heard.

A very NERVOUS MAN in a suit, GEORGE PHELPS, sits up. PHELPS checks his ticket and enters the bathroom.

Thank you for flying United Britannia Airlines.


PHELPS is leaning over the sink, splashing water on his face. A SECOND MAN comes out of the stall area and dries his hands.

Nervous flyer?

It's that obvious, huh?

You know, what are the odds of dying in a plane crash? I mean, what? Twenty thousand to one?

PHELPS watches him go.



The PILOT, CHUCK, turns and addresses a FLIGHT ATTENDANT, AMANDA.

Amanda, how are you today?

I'm doing just fine, Chuck.


Welcome aboard. 15C towards the back of the plane, on the right.

Thank you.

AMANDA addresses PHELPS.

Have a nice flight, sir.

PHELPS turns, and we and AMANDA see that his eyes are completely black, even the whites.

Oh, I'm counting on it.

AMANDA blinks several times, watching PHELPS, and shakes her head.

Wow. That's, uh, really reassuring. Thank you.

Above his head, a cloud of black particles exits a vent, swirls around his head, and enters his eyes.

Um...uh, 11F, that's the middle of the plane, on...

Thank you.

...the left.


In just a few minutes our flight crew will begin room service in the cabin...

PHELPS turns to his seatmate.

Excuse me. Do you know how long we've been up?

Oh, uh...

The WOMAN checks her watch.

About forty minutes.

Wow. Time really does fly, huh? Excuse me. I've got to stretch my legs.

PHELPS gets up, squeezes past the WOMAN, and heads to the back of the plane. When he reaches the rear exit, he grasps the release handle. A YOUNG MAN in an aisle seat, MAX JAFFEY, notices him.

Hey, what the hell are you doing?!

PHELPS turns to look at MAX, eyes black again, then rips the door open. He goes flying out the window, the door flies off tearing half a wing off the plane, and the plane goes down. AMANDA struggles to get to a seat and, after the oxygen masks deploy, to get one over her face. MAX, CHUCK, and the COPILOT already have them on.


DEAN is asleep on his stomach. while Dylan is sleeping on his side

As the door opens, DEAN awakens and slips a hand under his pillow for a weapon. while Dylan being used to people walking in and out of the cabin at camp, just countious to sleep.

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