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Hermione woke up in the middle of the night. She looked down at the outfit she didn't bother taking off before bed. She felt too sober for her likings. She decided she would sneak downstairs for a drink. Maybe she would go to the beach to get her mind off things. She felt guilty that Draco didn't remember anything but she still did.

She walked to the bathroom to change out of her tight clothes. Her eyes were shut while she put on something more comfortable so she didn't have to look at her scar. She put back on her gray shorts and the oversized sweater.

Hermione tiptoed down the stairs so she wouldn't wake up Draco. Luckily for her, he was asleep. He was moving a lot though. He looked as if he was having a bad dream. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard and a bottle of gin from the cabinet. She poured about three shots out and topped it with a dash of tonic. The stronger the better. Once she made up her drink, she sat in a chair next to the couch where Draco was and watched him sleep. She always loved studying him. He was the most fascinating person she knew.

Draco began to twitch furiously. He looked as if he was in pain. Hermione felt an urge to go over and comfort him but she knew better. Draco woke up in a startle. He was sweating and trying to catch his breath. He saw Hermione sitting next to him which sent him into a second shock.

"Jesus Christ! You scared the hell out of me." Draco sat up. "Sorry, was having a bit of a night terror." he felt as if he could tell her anything. He rubbed his eyes and then watched Hermione take a drink out of her glass. He knew exactly what it was. Draco chuckled, "Why is it that I've never seen you sober?"

Hermione put down the drink and wiped her mouth. "I've been finding it hard," she stammered. "After the..." she couldn't finish the sentence. Draco knew what she meant though. He understood more than she knew. They sat in silence for a while before Draco thought of something else to talk about.

"What are you doing up at this hour anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about taking a walk on the beach. Seeming as if you can't sleep either, would you care to join me?"

"Yeah that sounds nice. I've been wanting to check it out since i've arrived." Draco was pleased that she invited him. He wanted to get her alone again. He had this feeling that there was something she wasn't telling him.

They grabbed their coats and put on their shoes. It was another warm night and there was a slight breeze that cooled the air. They walked across the yard and down to the shore. The moon was full and lit their way as they walked together. Draco strayed behind Hermione as she took the lead. After a few minutes, she plopped herself down on the wet sand and gestured to Draco to sit down too. They watched the waves crash in silence. Hermione watched the water glow from the moonlight. It took her back to the time they shared at the Black Lake.

"You know, this reminds me of the time when–" she caught herself mid sentence. She wished she didn't say anything. Draco was eager to get any information out of her.

"The time when what?"

Hermione quickly thought up a lie. "When my mom would take me to the beach as a kid." her words felt less substantial than when she began the statement. More silence. Draco went back and forth looking at the ocean then sneaking glances at her. Even when she was at her worst, she still managed to look pretty. She knew he was staring but she paid no mind to it. Even though she desperately wanted to get close to him she wouldn't let herself. Not this time.

Draco kept looking at her. His glances kept getting longer every time. He got a deja vu feeling again. He felt as if he had been here before. With her. He watched her as he tried to remember if there had been a time where they sat together at a shore in the past. She finally looked back at him and was going to ask why he was staring before he spoke first.

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