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Draco went up to his room to find Hermione in his bed. She was finally awake but she looked terrible. Her eyes were puffy and her face was pale. There was a bruise on her temple. She was sipping a cup of tea when she saw him. He looked distraught. He slowly walked up to her. She shook as she adjusted her pillow to sit up.

"I know what you did." He didn't look at her.


"Harry told me everything." For some reason the sound of his name made Hermione cringe.

"What did he tell you? When did you see him?"

"Dont act stupid. You know exactly what im talking about." Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat and looked at Draco innocently.

"You wanted me too." She left out that it had been her idea in the first place.

"Why would I want you to remove my own memories?"

"You told me if I didn't you didn't think you could go through with killing Dumbledore." Draco was confused. Did she just admit to helping kill Dumbledore? Was Harry right about her being evil? 

"But I wasn't the one who killed him so I guess you didn't even need to after all." Draco looked into Hermione's familiar eyes. "Why didn't you tell me when I came back."

"I don't know... I guess I didn't want to get close to you. I didn't want to lose you again." Hermione's eyes started to tear up.

Draco grabbed her cup of tea and set it on the nightstand. He then grabbed her wand and placed it in her hand.

"I want you to reverse it. I want to know exactly what you fucking took from me."

"I don't think I can." Draco frowned and guided her hand so that her wand was pressed against his forehead.

"Do it." Hermione took a deep breath and whispered the counter curse to herself. They both closed their eyes as Draco braced himself.

Memories flooded his mind and he held his breath and everything rushed into him at once. Every tutor session was more vivid now. He tried to breathe through the intensity as the memory of the hospital wing and their time at the lake came back to him. The sex seemed to go in slow motion. He focused on when he told her he loved her. The last memory that was restored was their dance at the Christmas party and that song. That fucking song was blaring in the back of his mind. Tears started to fall from his closed eyes. He wiped them and sniffed as he opened them.

Hermione looked at him concerned but he was calm when it was over. He didn't speak for a while because he had to comprehend everything that just happened. He looked at her and held her hand.

"I wish you never obliviated me... we could've been together this whole time."

"No we couldn't. You know I had to help Harry." Saying his name made her nauseous. She couldn't figure out why.

"We could've fucking ran away together or something. That would be better than you taking out the best memories I ever had." He was clearly upset but was still so gentle. Hermione started to cry.

"I'm sorry. You told me if I didn't you were going to die." Her voice was shaky. Draco wiped his eyes on his shirtsleeve. 

"Its okay. I just wish I had something to hold on to when the war was over. I was so goddamn lonely." Hermione was surprised he was being so vulnerable with her. "The time at the lake when I told you I loved you. It wasn't a stupid line to get you to sleep with me. I think I actually fucking loved you."

"I never stopped." Hermione pulled his hand to bring him closer to her. She was so weak but wanted him near. She touched his cheek and kissed him. They had both been crying so it tasted salty. He crawled on top of her and kissed her back. He was now holding her head with both hands.

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