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Hermione woke up in a cold sweat. She couldn't remember the voices she heard or the nightmare she was having but she hoped the whole thing was a bad dream and she was in her bed at the shack. She slowly opened her eyes and realized she was wrong. Although it was dark, she knew she wasn't home. She looked down at Draco who was sleeping peacefully beside her. Lucky him.

She tossed and turned all night as haunting voices flew in and out of her head. Her ears were ringing when she woke up the next morning. Draco was still sleeping. She rolled over and observed his bedroom. It was large and his bed was twice the size of hers and a large black down comforter covered them both. His headboard was made out of steel and had snake details winding through it.

On the bedside table next to her, there were a few books stacked up that looked like they hadn't been touched in years. There was also a wizards chess board that looked as if it was made out of gold and silver. She didn't know he played. She got up to get a closer look at everything. His wardrobe was full of plain black clothes and a line of freshly polished shoes. Everything was tidy. Almost too tidy. It was like nobody lived there.

She walked around and stopped to admire an old hour glass on his desk. It was black with gold detail. Even the sand was black with gold flakes swimming around in there too. She sat down at the desk and flipped it over. She watched the sand sink and felt like she was counting down her deathday. She looked down and noticed a black leather journal with a D engraved into it. She had no idea that he journals. She couldn't help but to peek inside. As she opened the book, a hand came out of nowhere and slammed it shut. She almost screamed.

"I wouldn't look at that if I were you. It's mostly me in my adolescence cursing my parents for grounding me after I went snooping in their magic room." He paused. "I wouldn't go in there either." Hermione gave out a nervous laugh. She didn't hear him get up. How long has he been watching her?

"I'm sorry." Her voice felt like she had been screaming all night.

"Don't be. You're just getting used to the place. Probably going to be spending a lot more time here anyway."

"About that. Draco I don't know if I can support this. Harry is my best friend."

"Was. I couldn't help but overhear what he told you before we left. About how you were dead to him now." His voice turned cold. "That's what you're going to be if you leave." he cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "Why don't you go get ready for breakfast." Hermione could tell he was trying to manipulate her. He was doing a damn good job at it too.

Hermione went to Draco's bathroom to get ready for the day. There had already been clothes laid out for her. There were black pants, a belt, and a short sleeve blouse that matched the pants. It wasn't her usual look but she went with it. She wondered if Harry would let her back to get her stuff. The Malfoy's would never allow it though.

They walked to the dining room together where their plates had already been prepared. The Malfoy's were there too. Hermione sat down avoiding eye contact. She expected another lecture about getting her to join. She didn't make a decision yet but death was sounding really sweet to her right now.

To her surprise they didn't bring it up. They didn't talk at all. They just sat in silence and acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Draco had already started eating. Hermione had no appetite. She stared at her eggs until they made her queasy. She averted her eyes before she got sick. As she looked away, something shiny caught her eye behind Lucius. It was a gorgeous china cabinet with liquors of all colors displayed in crystal bottles. Hermione bit her lip and forced herself to look away.

"Not hungry, dear?" Narcissa's voice was warm and reminded her of her mothers. Hermione shook her head while still avoiding eye contact. "That's okay. We will have Draco give you the grand tour and we will call you back for lunch.

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