What annoys them

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Mattheo :

-You humming

-Not being with him

-Talking non stop

-Being shy with him

-Hiding in odd places

-Staring into blank space for no reason

-prank him

-Sacred to tell him something

-Out of his sight

-Spoiling his notes

Marcus :

-Telling him he is bad at quidditch

- Poking his arm when you want something

-Running away from him

- Being scared of him

-Hiding his broom

Adrian :

- Being shy with him

- Stealing his wand

- Stealing ALL of his hoodies

-Hiding his broom

Tom :

-Not doing your homework

-Taking his hoodie

- Poking his arm

-Being over Clingy

-Ruining his books

-Taking his notes/reading books

- Hiding his wand

-Not paying attention in class

-Being shy with him

-Wanting cuddles

-Acting like a kiddy

-Forcing him to buy you candy

- drawing all over him

Miles :

-Being shy with him

-drawing all over him

-Hiding his wand

-telling him he cant play quidditch

-poking him

-Staring into blank space

-being out of his sight

-Pranking him. although he loves it when u prank others.

-Taking his things and placing them in odd places

-Hiding all the time any where and him having to search the whole castle before he can find you at the end of the day if you count he has searches the castle doubble the times of population at hogwarts.

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