Chapter 2

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Tae again cried himself to sleep. He slept for one hour but then woke up crying and sweating from the nightmare. He felt his throat dry so he decided to go to the kitchen to have some water. Jungkook was there in the kitchen drinking his banana milk. He heard footsteps coming down so he quickly hid behind a curtain. He was that it was Taehyung coming down. While hiding Jungkook mistakenly spilled the banana milk on shelf. Tae didn't notice it. He just drank water and took a pill with it. It was a sleeping pill. He had been taking this pill for over 2 years now. It had been two years of his grandma's death. And 2 years since he joined bts.  After drinking water he went to his room to sleep. This time it was luckily a peaceful sleep. But the luck didn't remain on his side for a long time. After about an hour of dreamless sleep tae heard someone call his name from downstairs. He got up and went to check there. Jungkook and jin were there in the kitchen. Jin again shouted his name saying "U FUCKING BASTARD WHY DID YOU SPILL JUNGKOOK'S BANANA MILK HERE. JUST LOOK AT THE BOY. HE IS CRYING SO MUCH BECAUSE OF U." Tae turned towards jungkook and saw that he was really crying. He went to him and said sorry to him. Jungkook said nothing but gave an evil smile. Just then Jin said "YOUR FUCKING SORRY WONT FIX THE  MESS YOU MADE CLEAN IT NOW." and went to his room to sleep. Tae was about to say that he was tired which he really was due to the practice, his drama shooting and then sleepless nights but he didn't say as he knew that either he would get scolded or beaten up. He started cleaning the mess made by Jungkook. Jungkook went to him and said "I will do mistake and now you will get scolded." Jungkook picked up a plate and threw it down which caused a lot of noice. When the other members started coming down hearing the noice jungkook started acting like tae has hit him with the plate. He started crying and all the members rushed to him while namjoon and yoongi went to taehyung. Taehyung still couldn't understand what happened when he felt a sharp pain and then a punch on his face. Tae's lip started bleeding. Then he met with some kicks followed by some more slaps and punches.

Taehyung's pov

I knew that I have cancer once again. Yes once again. Earlier when I was with my parents at that time I barely survived. My parents left me saying that I was just being a burden on them. At that time I had only one person with me which was my grandma. I have told my cancer history to my members but they never cared. The doctor said that I wont be able to bear any damage to my body. I haven't told the members that I have the cancer again because I think that they will leave me like my parents did. They don't love me but I love them a lot. So now I again got beaten up for something which I could never do in my dreams. How canI hit kookie he is so cute. But I don't know why kookie always lies about his mistakes and says that I have done those mistakes. When namjoon and suga hyung stopped beating me I started coughing blood. Yoongi hyung pushed me hard resulting me to fall on the scattered glass of the now broken plate. My hand got pierced by a big piece of the glass. The members left me alone there on the floor. No one even helped me to get up. It was just 6 in the morning and I had my drama shoot at 7. I stood up stumbling ad got to my room. Thank God I didn't get any bruises or else I would have to answer thousands of questions asked by manager hyung. I bandaged the wound on my hand and got ready. I dont get any food because jin hyung says that I don't deserve food and that I had to loose weight because I am just a waste of space. After getting ready for the shoot I went outside and saw manager hyung waiting for me. He was the only one I trust after joining bts. He knew about my cancer. I sat in the car and he started drivng us to the shoot.

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