Chapter 14

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Hoseok's pov
We don't know that will we be able to open the door and see our tae. We have hurt him a lot and especially me.  I use to beat him up for every smallest to biggest mistake in dance. Even if he slipped or tripped I used to scold and beat him up a lot.

I imagine him crying during the night while cleaning and treating his wounds. Not only the physical wounds but some wounds that could never be healed. I know I have hurt him a lot both physically and mentally.

I used to call him names and even told him to starve himself because he has too fat. But now I regret it. I regret everything I have said to him back then. I wish I could turn the time back and take my words back but now I could do nothing. I just wish him to be fine.

He was in a really critical condition as the doctor told us. And the cancer that he had didn't help at all and just made the things worse. His healing slowed down to a thousand percent due to that fucking cancer.

Yoongi's pov
Oh God please do something to cure my taetae as fast as possible. I want to see his boxy smile I want to hear his deep voice I want to hear him laugh again and at last I just want my taetae to be fine. Just because of us he is in that condition.

I remember how I used to beat him when I couldn't find the lyrics. How I use to beat him whenever he spoke something whenever I was writing but now I realize that he just used to give me ideas so that I can finish my work early and rest after that.

And how can I forget about the time when I mistakenly deleted the lyrics and said that taehyung delete them and after listening this everyone started beating him and after that I was even able to retrieve the lyrics but still we have not told tae that the lyrics are back. After that incident he has apologized me a lot of times and now I feel really guilty. Whenever he used to apologize to me he always had tears in his eyes which shows that he is really guilty when its not even his fault.

I don't know suddenly from where I got this much confidence that I opened the door. The members looked really shocked when I opened the door and after that what we saw left us with an almost heart attack.

Jimin's pov
How would you define a best friend a soulmate? According to the other people a best friend is someone who always care for their best friend and a soulmate is someone who understands the problem of their soulmate without even speaking. And now look at me. I am known as taetae's best friend his soulmate but I think I am the worst friend of his. I am the worst soulmate.

I couldn't understand that my soulmate was in so much pain. He was suffering from so much and what I did I just added some more pain to him. I should have helped him. Atleast I should have helped him not only because I am his soulmate but I am his brother too.

It is so shocking that how an accident can change the relation between us. I mean how we used to hate him earlier how we used to call him ugly how we used to say him that his smiles are annoying but now I can do anything to see him smile again. Its only been a few hours and I miss him so much.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when suddenly youngi hyung opened the door and what I saw next gave me a heart attack.


Hii guys
Welcome back.
I am very happy today for two reasons

First is that my friends who told me to leave the fandom and all apologized to me and second is that my exams are ending tomorrow and then I'll be free.

Please pray for kookie. On the day hybe told that kook is also positive he posted a video on his insta story saying that nothing to worry and yesterday during the ama session he was singing a song when suddenly he said that his throat hurts. Get well soon kookie😢😢

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