Chapter 29

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Short and boring chapter ahed

Taehyung's pov
One week has passed and yes the doctor said that I am improving physically. Just physically. My cancer is starting to get worse so I'll be getting discharged today so that at least I am in fresh air for a month and then they'll start my treatment. Still the medicine is working but it's effect is less now. It is now as effective now as it was earlier.

My parents left for Canada because my dad had to attend some business meeting over there so I am alone with my hyungs.

I don't know why I have this feeling that I'll be left alone again. I still have nightmares about the same and some voice in my brain keeps saying that its true.


Okay so lets have a break

Happy BTS day guys

BTS turned 9 today

Lets continue
~a sponsered break from author~


I don't know that I was spacing out until I realised that someone was shaking me.
For once I really got confused that who are they and why are they here then I remembered that they are my members.

Jin's pov
We all entered taetae's room after buying our lunch and saw him spacing out so I just shook him.

He looked at me confused but came back to his senses soon. I fed him being the world wide handsome so called mom of this group.

Rest all laughed at me but I still continued feeding him.

Suddenly taehyung said something

He asked

'hyung promise that you'll never leave me'

This kinda left us all in shock that why is he asking this.

"Look tae as we promised we'll never leave you. We'll stay with you forever and will face this together" he just smiled at me amd said thanks.

After feeding him seojin came in and asked us to sign tae's discharge papers.
I signed them and then went with seojin to pay the hospital bill.

Jimin's pov
Finally that day is here. Taetae is getting discharged today. Now that dead dorm will be alive once again.

Without tae the dorm just seemed an old building where no one lives. Or if someone lives there is complete alone.

Once again the atmosphere of the dorm will lit up now.

I am really happy.

Jin hyung went to pay the bill and jungkook quickly bought a wheelchair so that we could take tae to the car.

He quickly brought the chair and we carefully made tae sit on it. Some of his injuries still seem fresh amd it pains him a lot sometimes. But nonetheless he is almost fine physically.

Namjoon's pov
Today is the best day. The dorm will be alive once again. Without tae no one even talked at dorm. The kitchen was untouched since the day Tae was admitted.

Actually no one ate at home. It was just in hospital that either sejin hyung or pd nim hyung used to force us to eat or otherwise no one had the appetite to eat without tae.

I'm happy that tae is getting discharged but sad also cuz he still has to come to hospital but its okay. I just want him to be fine.

Sorry for a short and boring chapter

Still hope u like it.

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