Chapter 34

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Jhope's pov
I saw taetae drifting off to sleep as soon as he took his medicine. He was looking really cute.

Tae is someone to be admired when he sleeps. His cheeks squished with the pillow and sleep hair looked so cute on him.

I was looking at tae thinking why the kindest soul on earth has to go through so much. Why is it always the good people who have to fave difficulties.

Suddenly I saw tae's eyes opening and in taetae voice he asked "cuwdulws (cuddles)". Without hesitating me, jimin and jungkook jumped into the bed with tae.

Jimin was hugging tae from the back so me and jungkook didn't touch him as we didn't want to hurt him in amy way.


I don't know when we all fell asleep. Yes we all cuz there are two beds in tae's room so on one bed me, tae, jimin and jungkook lied and on the other bed namjoon, yoongi hyung and jin hyung lied.

I felt a slight movement from bed. I looked around just to see tae sweating a lot. He was having difficulty in breathing I guess he was having a nightmare as he sat up panting.

The others were deep asleep so I hugged tae in order to provide comfort to him. He seemed a bit relaxed though but still when I felt his heart ot was beating fast.

I kept on hugging him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear and tae really seemed relaxed with it.

After a few minutes tae's cries turned into sobs and then eventually it converted into soft snores. I guess he was too tired after the nightmare and the panicking seccion.

After a few hours we all woke up and had our dinner and then again went to sleep.

Continue scrolling ¯\_ʘ‿ʘ_/¯

Skip to a few weeks later
(I'll tell long story in short cuz I have exam on Monday so............. :))

During these few weaks the members again felt that tae has become all annoying again cuz of his behaviour.

He had slipped into little space amd became clingy again which the members like for some time but they started hating that behaviour again.

They again started talking bad about him and started to ignore him. But tae was not as strong as he was before. This time he was not in the state of being left alone cuz of his cancer. According to doctor someone had to stay with him all the time and take care of him but the members ignored it.

This time they didn't even realise that they became the old selves and started doing the same things to tae that they did before.

They didn't realise that they started hurting tae again.

So now it was the time for tae to start his treatment. He had to go to hospital alone as no one accompanied him.

Though tae noticed the change in behaviour of the members but he never spoke anything because he thought that the members needed rest from him, they just needed time for themselves and they aren't ignoring him. They'll help him and still love him.

But little did he know that was not true. The members didn't ignore him because they needed time.

When he started getting his treatment he used to get really tired after the treatment and needed comfort but no one was there with him to tell him that he's fine or he'll be okay.

He just had to move on without no one supporting him and due to which tae started to overthink and he often started getting anxious attacks. But he was alone.

Even after getting the treatment for a month instead of improving tae just got worse. He had regular panic attacks, he started getting sick every morning and headache was now like a best friend to him as it never left him.

And this was all because of getting no support or you can say that it's because of being alone.

Sometimes the members have noticed his panic attacks but they ignored them thinking that it was another trick of tae for seeking attention.

Soon the treatment stopped working and tae had to go through an operation to get cured so before the operation he decided to write a letter to his members telling them his feelings of being alone and how it affected him.

He expressed his true emotions in it cuz he didn't knew wether he'll come back alive or not.

On the day of treatment it was important for the family members of ths patent to know about what is going to happen to the patent so Seojin called the members to tell them that tae will be undergoing an operation to get cured.

To be honest the members ignored tae to ths point that they even forgot that tas had cancer so when the doctor called them they were really shocked and at that time they realised their mistake.

They decided to go to the hospital and wait there for their healthy tae to come back.


Sorry and thanks.

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