Chap. 1 "the start"

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*Y/n pov*

It's 5:40 and i'm going to the supermarket cause my father asked me to buy him some things , some of them are alcohol , i'm not allowed to buy them but i will try to convince May, she's the best girl i've ever meet ,or the only , cause my mother it's not that kind

I was walking on the street reading my list when i bumped in a stranger, this made me scrash on the floor , cutting my knee

"Omg , i'm so sorry, are you ok ? " She asked nicely but i can't really hear what she's saying, my vision is blurry, i saw blood ripping down my knee, i wear a long black sleeve with short pants they end over my knee, so i can easely see them

The blood remimned me of my parents , everytime they hit me , every time they try to get the shit out of me , i panicked more , i don't know what to do

"Hey, it's ok, it's just a small cut , i can help you, ok? What's your name sweaty?" The woman was really sweat, and preatty cute but i'm Just really scared of everyone

"T-that's ok ..i-i have t-to go...s-sorry..." With that i stand up and i started running to the market

I enter the shop and i saw May

"Hey shorty ! How are you ?" She always call me shorty cause i'm really small for my age
I smiled at her and came closer to give her the post-it with my list

*Lizzie pov*

Wow, that kid was really scared , i can't figure of It was a girl of a boy, cause the hair was short but a medium size
But It doesn't matter, the kid was really scared and was shaking like hell, just for a cut on his knee ? Mmm maeby that's more behind that

So i decided to go after the kid meaby i can hask some things

*Y/n pov*

"C-can you....g-gave It to ?" I asked May
"Shorty ,i can't ,that's a lot of beer , and you're so young, i can't let you buy them ,Sorry...what are they for?"

I can't really tell her that they're only for my father ...i have to make and excuse

"Ummm...they are...planning a ....with...a lot of friends ...yeah.."

"Oh, cool, but Is still can't gave It to you, the other things are good, and you can buy them , sorry kid"

"T-that's ok..." It's not ok, they're going to beat me , i can't go back without the beer

"Ok, here It is, it's the same as always "

I came here since i was 7 , they always made me but grocery , and always the same things so it's always the same price


"Ok, that's perfect as always, i'll se you soon , bye shorty!" May Is really the best !

After that i placed everything in the bag on my shoulder and i started running at home, i also saw the cute woman

*Lizzie pov*

I went into the shop and i saw May
"Hey May! How are you ?"

"Good, thanks , you ?"

"All good, but i wanted to ask you about a kid , i don't really know if It's a boy or a girl" I don't want to be disrespectfull, but i want to know more about this kid

"Oh...yeah, she's a girl, but she never felt like one, so she use male pronuns , with the strangers ..."

"Why only strangers ? And his parents ?" I saw May smile when i use his and not her referting to the kid
"Well, his parents are really homophobic....and they never respected his feeling "

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