Chapter 11: Fighting Out Of Hell

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Chantelle Harvey, was a fifty-year-old librarian with dirty blonde hair and black dotted eyes. She was a little overweight, but looked beautiful with her body. Arranging the books in her store, she perceived my scent and, from a distance, heard my footsteps. She looked around in curiosity as I proceed to her store. I want to ask her questions about what happened the other day in the coven. If she was against me and my kids. In an instant, her shape shifts into the body of her youngest daughter, Gloria.

I walked in and saw her arranging the books. "Hello sweetheart, how's sales?"

"Fine, thank you ma'am." Gloria answered and raised to her feet.

"Are you the only one here? Where is your mother?" I noticed the emptiness of the room and faked a smile at the little girl.

"She went out. She'll be back in the evening." I frowned at her words, knowing Chantelle never jokes with her book business.

"Okay, fine. Whenever she's back, tell her Adelaide Cooper asked for her."

"From where, ma'am?"

"Just tell her, Adelaide, she knows me well." My subconsciousness spat and I turned away and walked out if the bookshop. Things are getting off. These witches are getting on my nerves by the day. I thought as I checked on Ember Zane at her grocery store down the road.

I left, Chantelle transformed back to her normal self and continued her work. She smiled at the fact that I got deceived.

She was a hardworking woman and sells her farm products at cheaper prices. Even as witches, we help humans a lot, even though they do not know who we are. Well, that's understandable. But why would they turn their backs on me now when I need them the most?

Getting to the grocery store, I looked around and find out that the place was empty. I could perceive her woodsy scent from every corner.

"She should be around." Her sales manager, John explained.

"Hello dear, is Ember around?"

"Yes. She sat here just now." The guy pointed, looking so confused. I bet he did not know that she was a witch.

"Don't worry. I'd be back later." She hid herself from me despite knowing that I was there.

I stepped out of her grocery store and went to Hazel Hughes store. It was a mini-store with a big signboard in front of it.

I met a slim lady in a red gown and heels smoking cigarettes. She sat at the entrance, where hazel sit and I was puzzled.

"Hello Miss. Please, where's Mrs. Hughes?"

The girl rolled her blue eyes at me and hissed. "She's not around"

"She's not around."

"Really? Tell her I understand her tactics and how she and the rest of the witches are avoiding me. Tell her that the nostrils aren't far away from the eyes."

About to turn my back and leave, she shape-shifted back to her original form.

I turned to Hazel, and she dropped the pen, which was the cigarette she was smoking a minute ago, in her hand on the table.

I gazed at her with a serious face, and she rolled her eyes at me. "You're a naughty witch, Adelaide!" She hissed and walked out of the corner where she sat.

Hazel grabbed my arm and took me into her storeroom, our hands interlinked with each other's like the sisters we are. She took me away so nobody would easily find us or eavesdrop.

"Adelaide! This issue is a mystery that no one should make it known to the real world. It's your destiny! Accept it. No one struggles with destiny. Even as witches, some things are, and there's nothing we can do about it."

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