Chapter 18: First Kisses

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Damon unlocked the door to Elvira.

"What the f***? What took you so long?" she frowned and noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead.

Damon's voice went low. "I slept off."

"Awwwwnn... It's hot inside your room. Make sure you open the windows and... Probably get a shower. Barbara is waiting for you in the living room." Elvira ordered, getting in, but Damon blocks her in order not to.

"Why do I have to shower, mum? It's not like I'm going out."

"Because you need to look presentable, too. I've seen the way she stares at you lately, plus she's always visiting."

"Just go, mum!" Damon banged the door and placed his back at it. Confused about what next to do, he couldn't help but to smile. Not about Elvira's cunning attitude, but what happened in his dream. Of course, this is a secret. Everything about Adelaide is a secret.

He quickly had a shower and went to the living room to meet Barbra. She had blond curls and honey brown eyes that fitted her oblong face. She had blue, oversized sweater and white leggings while Damon had blue jeans and a simple, white t-shirt. Barbra and Damon are in the same class, but Damon is a year older. A gentle smile lightened up her eyes when Damon walked towards her.

"So, why are you here?"

"To study with you. I mean... It's our senior year final exams." Barbara responded with guilt. "Don't you need a study-mate?"

"I don't do group studies but, I'm glad you came. Let's go to my room."

"I brought this for you." She pointed him a brown packaged food.

"What's that?" he collected it to check.

"Nothing much, just a piece of offering." She smiled. "Captain Jack, famous burger and their fries as well."

"Aww! You shouldn't have." Damon spin loosely as he opened it and stuffed some fries into his mouth. "Huh... As if you knew what I needed."

"I know I'd get on your good side, eventually."

Barbara chuckled softly.

Damon hasn't eaten in the last 7 hours. His mouth watered from its rich scent and aroma. Barbara gently placed her books on a stool nearby and watched him eat. Feeling her eyes on him. He dropped the pack.

"Okay, I know you want something else. Why are you here?"

"To spend time with you." She avoided his stare, making sure there's enough space between them.

"Then you should be able to read this." He handed her the notebook.

"I don't get you." she rubbed the back of her neck while Damon softly nibbled on his lower lip.

"Read it to me and tell me who wrote it." Damon instructed, facing her and pulling closer.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. All guys are cute, but not like you. M.. My love for you, is one to contend, you smiled too... W.. Would you be my boyfriend? - Anonymous."

"So who wrote it?" He frowned.

"Anonymous." She replied bluntly.

"I'm not saying you should read it, Bee. I am asking you a question and don't lie, else... This would be the end of our friendship."

"Okay, fine. I wrote it." Barbara pointed out, but her voice sounded a little shaky because of his focused eyes on hers. It felt as if his glare was stirring her soul from within. So, Barbra knew she had to spill out the truth, somehow. "I know it's wrong of me and improper since we're only friends, but I just couldn't face you and this might be one of our last days together since we don't meet very often. Truth is... That is why I'm here. I've never had the chance to kiss anyone, so making one up is even more difficult than I could even imagine."

"Do you like me?"

"What? I don't get you?"

"You should get me when I kiss you." Damon bit down on his bottom lip, a whispered a word into her ears.
"Close your eyes."

Barbra wasn't sure if she heard him right.

She shut her eyes, and Damon leaned slightly. His hand moved to the nape, steadying on her. It's his first time kissing someone, real. Of course, he wanted to know how it felt. Barbra tilted her head and felt his forehead on hers before their lips met.

Damon moved his hand down her face, resting it on the back of her neck while she leaned it. Barbra placed her hand on his chest, finally climbing his body and settling in a position that she was on top and he was below. Barbara drove more kisses as Damon moved his lips against hers, with anxiety and worry making way to their numbness.

Finally, the young teenagers broke their kisses. Damon realized how much they've kissed when he saw Barbara's slightly messy hair. She looked funny that he chuckled. Barbra chuckled too. It was awkward, so awkward that, despite their shaky breaths, the passion of wanting more kisses still lingered.

Their lips met again and Barbara deepened the kiss, pulling on top of him so that her legs were straddling to his body. It was so much and not enough all at once.

The door bursted open that the both of them separated at once. Scared to see who it was, Damon realized it was Ava Dior.

She looked at them and couldn't help herself. Although, AVA Dior didn't know what it meant, she was between confusion and surprise. Her Jaws dropped to the floor as her eyebrows pulled up towards them. 'Why would his guest be sitting on him? ' she thought, looking at the both of them in puzzlement. But it looked as if she'd distracted something important.

"Umm... My ball." Ava Dior mumbled.

"Why did you get close to my room? Can't you play elsewhere?!" Damon fired at her like a total stranger.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know." Tears welled up in his eyes as her voice cracked.

"How many times would I tell you to knock before entering my room? Just get lost!" He sneered and immediately, she ran out of his room in tears. Leaving the ball behind.

"C'mon, you don't have to treat your sister like that. It was a sincere mistake." Barbara corrected, adjusting her hair and clothes.

"Ava is not my sister, okay?" He pulled up, uninterestedly. "It's kinda stuffy here... Let's take a walk outside."

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