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When Su An bought those things and went home, she never thought about sharing them with her parents-in-law.

What's the situation now? Her money is not as good as theirs, and there are five of them, only she is an adult and four children, and the income has not yet been found.

It is obvious that there are people who need help.

As soon as the family is separated, it is necessary to be filial here, and it will become a joke when it is spread.

Li Manfen also heard the provocation of the eldest daughter-in-law.

She went to the town to buy a lot of old things before, but she didn't say anything about sending them over.

When she doesn't know the eldest daughter-in-law?

She likes to compare herself with the second daughter-in-law.

Zhao Laidi went first. She is the eldest sister-in-law.

As soon as she entered the house, she gave birth to a son and stood firm.

However, the second daughter-in-law followed closely and also gave birth to a son for the first time.

Ping, then, the eldest is an ordinary person, working in the fields, and the second, he has become a soldier, how can she not drool over the money she sends back every month?

Men can't compare, and sons can't compare.

She gave birth to four children.

Except for the first child, the last three were daughters, while the second daughter-in-law gave birth to three children and four sons.

No matter which one is better than the other, then there will be a knot in the heart.

She doesn't look down on the second daughter-in-law and wants to find something for her, but now she goes to the town to buy something, she doesn't have to think about it, she knows it's to supplement the guys at home, just get that little thing, and it will take a few days to respond emergency.

She knocked a few words and ignored it.

Zhao Laidi spent a lot of saliva, but found nothing, and cursed a few words after returning.

Seeing my son's achievements, I was heartbroken.

No, when he comes back, we must teach him a good lesson! She didn't pay the tuition to let him play!

Su Hui didn't know what was going on over there, and the family was separated, that is, the sky is high, the bird is flying, the sea is deep, and the fish is leaping.

If you live with that big family, in the current environment, you can eat and drink well. It's hard.

When it comes to dinner these days, the four children are looking forward to it, and they can't be obedient.

Su An can do whatever she wants, without any discount.

Su An is not the one who treats herself badly. If you don't have it, forget it.

If you have it, why treat yourself badly?

Like today, the time was almost up.

Looking at the sun on the ground, Su An got into the kitchen to make lunch, and the four children scrambled to come in and make a fire.

She still has materials at home.

She made a pan-fried fish, fried broad beans with lard residue, and stewed rice with diced pork.

Every dish is oily, completely different from the dry dishes without oil and water, and the four children are satisfied with one book.

They have never been so satisfied with their food before the Chinese New Year.

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