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From Cultivator to Widow Chapter 51:
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Sister-in-law Zhao Xialan's pregnancy is very good, she doesn't have morning sickness, and she doesn't have any sudden obsession with anything, for example, she really wants to eat something, etc. People who see her say that her child is filial, she loves her mother, and she is very fond of her. In contrast, Zhou Xiaoqing formed a sharp contrast.

She will be found to be pregnant because she smells the smell of fish, morning sickness, this vomiting will be out of control, and if the smell is slightly heavier, she will vomit. The fishy smell is the hardest hit area, and it will produce physiological symptoms when you see it. retching.

After finally getting through this morning sickness life, she became very greedy again and wanted to eat. She could eat eight meals a day, and she would not refuse eggs and meat.

Well, that's okay, it's rare for people to reject eggs and meat.

Because she was pregnant, the eggs from the chickens raised by Li Manfen were never exchanged for matches or oil and salt, and they all entered her stomach.

Zhang Gui also asked her for some meat tickets from time to time to buy meat to replenish Zhou Xiaoqing's body.

She really wanted to put everything in her mouth when she saw it, so the natural effect of eating and eating was immediate. Not long after the morning sickness period ended, she gained weight like blowing up a balloon, which made Li Manfen feel a little uncomfortable watching it.

At this time, everyone is having a hard time, and the fat man is very rare. If anyone has a fat girl, it means that his family is in good condition.

Now that this daughter-in-law eats like this, on the one hand, she is distressed about money, on the other hand, she feels that she will not treat her unborn grandson badly. psychology.

Her mood is complicated, not to mention Zhao Laidi, who is a daughter-in-law, what she ate when she was pregnant, a mother-in-law can't be so biased!

Li Manfen also knows that something has gone wrong, but she can only say that the time is different now, and the family has no previous difficulties. In order to stop her mouth, she opened a lot of small stoves for her eldest grandson.

This made Zhao Laidi calm down a bit.

She gave birth to four children, the first one was a son, and the rest were daughters. Does she not want to have another child?


But there was no way. When Zhang Xiaohua was born, she hurt her body and couldn't regenerate. In this regard, she has always been indifferent to her little daughter, and it is inevitable that she has a bit of anger.

I have only one son in this life, and I will rely on Zhang Jinhua for the rest of my life. Now that I have won more food for my precious son, my anger has calmed down, but she also waited.

If she ate so much and still gave birth to a daughter, it would be a good show.


The heavy rain hit the tiles, making a crisp and pleasant sound, and the sound of the rain falling from the eaves to the ground, as well as the sound of hitting the grass and trees, formed a unique movement in the rainy season.

It has been raining for the past few days, and my cousin has not come over. Zhang Weiguo sighed deeply. He hadn't gone out to play for several days, so he was trapped at home by the rain. The weather has been strange these days. Xiaoyu, he went to class without any delay. In the afternoon, when he had time, it rained heavily. There was no place for him to play, so he could only stay at home.

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