CHAPTER 126-135 (Not EDITED)

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From Cultivator to Widow Chapter 126:
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Just as Zhang Baoguo thought, after Su Qianming found out about this, he replied coldly with two words: known.

Seeing these two words, Zhang Baoguo sighed and answered unexpectedly, but he felt a little distressed, distressed for his grandfather and grandmother.

It turned out that when he didn't know, the grandparents had suffered so much. In front of their juniors, they didn't show it at all. They were kind, just like all the other elders. They were kind and caring, which made people feel warm. Warm, grandpa and grandma have been hiding these things. He has never heard his mother say anything about this. They should have completely cut the past from the present and did not hesitate to travel far away.

Even if he had guessed Grandpa's reaction, he needed to tell him about it in time. If Grandpa wanted to see him for the last time, he would still be able to fulfill his wish in time.

Now that my grandfather knew about it, he put it down and didn't care about it anymore.

Grandpa has made a decision, he doesn't need to do anything else.

Su Qianming's reply to Zhang Baoguo was only two simple words, but he didn't need to tell his grandson how powerful the ups and downs in his heart were.

He thought about a lot of things from his childhood, and the indifference and ruthlessness of the person who was obviously his biological father.

Su Zhong didn't think that the family affairs at home were so complicated. He was the one who got the telegram. He saw the content first. Talk about the past, now let your dad calm down."

Su Zhong nodded silently and sighed.

That's what happened to their house.

In this way, my parents are still young masters and young ladies.

Can't imagine.

That kind of life is far away from him, and now it's a bit like a dream, with an illusory sense of hanging in the air.


Su An brought Zhang Weiguo and the three to Wenxueqing as guests. They walked around as if they were relatives. Su An gave him two clothes. There are all kinds of food and drink.

When they went there, Wen Yanshi and You Yafang were there, and they had already come back to accompany Wen Xueqing to celebrate the New Year.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, their family will move here from their own residence to celebrate the New Year together.

You Yafang used to look down on Su An's business, but now she has changed a lot and can look at this matter without tinted glasses.

Wen Qingqing saw these things, and said in a reproachful tone: "Why do you buy so many things? There's nothing missing at home."

Zhang Weiguo also picked out a gift and sent it to him. He has officially graduated from work this year and can earn money. If he wanted to give him a gift, he was fished out of the skyrocketing stream by the literature.

What he sent was a set of tea cups that he had specially bought and exchanged, as well as a few ancient books, which were well preserved, and just happened to bump into them.

Su Hui didn't respond to his words, Zhang Weiguo smiled: "It's not just spending money to make money. If you don't spend money after the New Year, what's the point of making money?"

Dawei flicked his tail, and turned around twice very familiarly, declared his hegemony, and found a comfortable place to lie down.

It is already an old man among the dogs, but it has not changed much from before. It is still a mighty big dog. People who are afraid of dogs watch the calf fighting, and the little **** will take the initiative to strike up a conversation.

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