CHAPTER 101-105 (Not EDITED)

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From Cultivator to Widow Chapter 102:
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Wen Wenqing got a headache. The house has been returned to him. The state stipulates that the house must be returned to the original owner in this case, but the people who lived there before, they just don't want to move out.

He came to the door a few times, and as soon as he got there, he pulled the old man and the child to cheat in front of him, either kneeling or lying on the ground to plead and plead, making the scene ugly. He had never met such a scoundrel.

There is no way for Wenxue Qing to be tricked. He can only rent someone else's house to spend this period of time. The house must be taken back, but how to take it?

It's definitely not acceptable to be tough, and if it's reasonable, it will become unreasonable, and the other party will not listen at all.

In the end, Guan Shaoli helped to solve this matter. He had a way to deal with such rogues, and to deal with rogues, he had to be more rogue than him.

He found a few people, all of them tall and strong men, so he took the key and lived in, day and night playing and drinking in it, they came empty-handed. .

If they chased him away and tried to sue them, they would say, "This house is rented to them by the owner, and the rent has been paid, this is their residence, and the things here should be owned by the owner, which has already been paid. They have no right to evict them when the rent is paid."

They touch something at every turn, worrying about what the other party will do, and worrying about the belongings at home.

People are trying to cheat, but they are scoundrels, and they are afraid of losing money. They can take advantage of others, but they can't take a single cent of their own advantage for others.

Seeing that his bed was slept in, food was taken, he suffered a loss, and it seemed that he could not beat the hard ones, so he could only retreat.

It's just that even if they move out, the literature looks at the house beyond recognition, and the mood is not happy.

He is an old house that has been handed down. He has always taken good care of it. It is a small courtyard house that he took care of carefully, but later, when he had an accident, the house became public, and it was assigned to this place. Several families lived together, and the kitchen was not enough, so coal and firewood were burned under the eaves, and the walls were smoked black. The flowers and plants that were planted before became green vegetables such as ginger, onion, garlic, etc. Now these vegetable seedlings have been pulled out. , only weeds and soil are left, the room is divided into different families, a few more doors are added, and there are abruptly renovated low walls, the house is empty and dirty...

The appearance of the house now is completely different from what he remembered.

The house is uninhabitable if it is not cleaned up, and the furniture in it will have to be replaced.

It seems that the house has to continue to be rented, and the house has to be cleaned up before moving back.

Clean up, reorganize, his country has compensation, the house under his name has returned, and the salary has been recalculated. Now he is a man with huge sums of money, but some of the things in his home are still He came back, but most of them were worn out. He didn't want to know if it was really worn out, or if it was taken away by others. He was already satisfied to be able to return them.

After the house is tidy up, let's pick the furniture slowly. As for the rumors, his family lives in the small courtyard, and there are extra rooms. He plans to clean them up. When Zhang Weiguo and the others come, they can settle down and transition first.

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