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Since his death, Irina had never even thought about entertaining the idea that she could've been in love with Luca Changretta. The betrayal and dirty truth made it near impossible for her to consider that her feelings might've been deeper than the touching of two souls under a full moon, but after reading the letter with his shaky hand and signing of his name with a cold stain of blood above the L, Irina felt her world shift ever so slightly.

Her heart sank, her body feeling like when the curtain dropped at the beginning of a theatre performance or when you're holding you're breath underwater and finally come up for air. Everything she'd learned about Luca suddenly changed, including the way she thought she felt about him. The idea of him being in love with her felt inconceivable when she heard what Tommy said to him before he died, but now, Irina knew in her heart that Luca had taken his last breath with love in his heart for her.

"Woah, where are you going?" Arthur panicked, slamming down his glass and quickly running to catch up with Irina as she stormed hastily out of the washroom.

She wiped tears from her eyes, holding the letter inside her scrunched up fist. Her heart was pounding and the hairs on the back of her neck were still on end as she re-read the letter over and over again in her mind, the words painfully fresh in her memory.

Irina ignored Arthur and continued down the hallway, pushing open the door to the liquor room with so much force that it slammed against a bookshelf, rattling the wood and causing a handful of books to clatter to the ground.

Alfie and Tommy were sat at opposite ends of the room, each of them with a bottle of alcohol in front of them and half-empty glasses.

They both looked up at the ruckus when Irina walked into the room, hearing a belting of footsteps behind as Arthur followed her a few seconds after.

"You lied to me."

Irina swallowed hard, her jaw clenched as she shook her head in disgust at Tommy. He sat slouched over by the bar, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"You lied," she repeated, taking a step closer to him with fire in her eyes and her veins, her skin feeling like hot coals as she struggled to breathe normally.

"Irina, whatever anyone's told you, I-"

Tommy dropped his words when Irina held up the letter in her hand, his eyes instantly looking past her shoulders to his brother.

"I told you to burn it, Arthur."

Irina scoffed, rolling her eyes. She was furious that someone she thought cared about her could live with himself, keeping such a dark secret from her that evidently meant so much.

"You let me hate myself. You let me question my morals and my intelligence, you let me think that no man was capable of loving me, Tommy. You made me look in the mirror and think I wasn't worthy of anything but being used as a pawn for people to get what they want. How could you do that to me? How could you let a man I care about die without even having the decency to let me know how he really felt about me?"

Irina was crying again, tears that were mixed with both anger and the most horrific sadness she could comprehend. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about how Luca would've said those three words to her if he'd had the chance, and how she probably would've said it back in her own time.

Tommy sighed loudly, throwing his drink down his neck before sliding off the barstool and standing tall with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"I did it for him." Tommy said, motioning with his head over to Alfie who was sat silently at the other side of the room, intensely watching the scene unfold before him.

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