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When Alfie opened his eyes, he was shocked to find himself safely wrapped beneath the sheets of his own bed, alive.

He couldn't remember anything that had happened after blowing Joseph Levy's head off, but whatever bridged the gap between that moment and him waking up, didn't matter.

What did matter, was Irina.

"Hello, Alfie."

Thomas was sat beside him, one leg crossed over the other, cigarette between his fingers and a glass of whiskey on the bedside table. The clock on the wall showed just past ten in the morning.

"W-what happened? How-"

"Your arm is fine, we got the bullet out. You'll have a new scar in a few weeks."

The miserable man had an unconventional smile playing on his lips, one that reassured Alfie that things were right in the world again. Thomas never smiled, and everyone knew that he certainly wouldn't grace people with a glimmer of one unless the situation was truly deserving of such a thing.

"And what about-"

"Mr Solomons!"

The bedroom door swung open with force and a young man Alfie now knew by the name of Isaiah strolled in, blood staining his shirt but his face held a gleaming, confident grin.

"Glad you're alright. I went to see your missus earlier and I wanted to say a big fucking congratulations, she is absolutely gorgeous, how did you manage to get her?"

Thomas held back a scoff, drinking some of his whiskey instead. Isaiah's observation wasn't wrong, but there was an essence of a kick in the teeth to hear that so many people recognised just how beautiful Irina was, himself included. It was a shame and a cutting pain to know that he wasn't the one Isaiah was saying those words to.

"She's alive? She's alright?" Alfie pushed himself up immediately, instinctively grabbing his shoulder in pain when he felt the strain of the bandaged bullet wound throb.

"Take it easy, Alfie." Thomas said, nodding slowly, "Yes. She's just fine, she's still at Ollie's house with him."

Alfie let out a heavy, relieved sigh, sinking back down onto the bed for a moment as he closed his eyes. He whispered a thanks to God, now being grateful that he hadn't turned the gun on himself the night before, the temptation to upon hearing Levy's antagonising words was incredibly strong. Had Thomas not have been there to keep his head levelled out, Alfie wouldn't have seen the morning.

"I need to see her, I need to talk to her. I bet she's not eaten a single thing, I have to-"

"Alright," Tommy rose to his feet, holding out a hand to silence Alfie's rambling, "I'll bring her to you. Just get some rest while you can, I'll be back in the afternoon. And wash your face before she gets here, you've got brains and fuck knows what else in your hair."

Isaiah laughed and shook his head, following Tommy out of the room and closing the door behind them both.

They took a stroll across the town to Ollie's house, Isaiah making small talk amongst the two of them, though Thomas kept his lips sealed most of the time.

The previous evening had been a bigger hill to climb than the men had originally thought. It was longer, dirtier, and far bloodier than Thomas had imagined it would be, the arrival of other men doubling the amount of problems they had to tackle.

Though they did it, leaving with all their men alive and mostly unharmed. Thomas had a few cuts and bruises and Arthur had been moaning about a pain in his shoulder, but apart from that, Alfie had been the only one to take a bullet.

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