chapter 2

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this is it.



Waking early in the morning is always the right time to explore, even on Saturday's. I woke up before the Sun has even shown in the early dawn. I didn't sleep in my cabin last night, cause I didn't know if those boy's were tigerwing's. They could be in any form they want. Like the last time I tried to same a boy who was trying to kill himself, the boy started to laugh and that's when he turned into a tigerwing's. We fought each other soon okwas a blood bath, then soon I finished the job. I couldn't trust anyone at the time, but now that I found my mate, I wonder if he can accept me.

That memory always turns me down. I sat up in the tree, stretching my muscle till I heard a pop. I grabbed my cloak that I used for a pillow, I looked at my fingers where my ring is on my middle finger. I realized my hair was all over the place, I tried to straighten it with my fingers, but no luck. I jumped out of the tree with my cloak in my right arm. I quickly put on my cloak, there was a clip so I can clip my cloak together so it won't go anywhere. I put my hood up and started for the lake. As I approached, I saw someone there already.

There, sitting on a rock was my Mate. He was reading a book that I never heard of, I wonder if it is magic, like my books. He looked the same when the last time I saw him. He wore shorts, an orange shirt and his red and white Nikes. I hid behind a some bushes, and watched him. He just sat there reading, I think it's a good time to shift. I slowly back away from the bushes and went behind a tree and changed. It's the same thing every time, wings came out of my back hurting so back that I might pass out. Fur started to sprout out of my skin, I wanted to scream, but I know that will blow my cover. I felt my face change into a snout, then I saw my hands turn into paws, now I was on all fours. I sat down, then looking at my wings very closely. I spread my right wing in the air, I am a very large Wolfwing, even larger than a werewolf. Every feather is black as night. I licked my feathers clean, I know it sounds gross, but that is only way to clean them. I don't trust water, you don't know if it is poison.

I started back to the bushes when I heard growling from behind me. I turned around to see three wolves. They stop growling and looked at my wings. Oh no, this is going to end bad. I'm twice the size of these bozos. I bared my teeth at them, they took a step back. I looked in all their eye's, I used my magic and cast a spell. They won't remember anything from today. They easily turned around and walked away. I looked around to see no one was watching. I followed my mates scent back to the lake. He was still there reading, when I heard a little girls voice. I looked to my left and it's the same girl from yesterday. She had her hair in a ponytail, and wearing a dress. She ran to Riley and jumped on him.

"Madison, what are you doing out here?" his voice was so gentle that I didn't remember he was my Mate, he sounded like my father when he talks to me before the war began. She giggled and sat next to him. "Mommy told me to find you, it's about noon and it's lunch time. I'm starving." She rubbed her tiny tummy. I smiled in my mind. "What is mom cook-in?" she thought about it and said, "Tacos, yummy." He laughed and nodded. I wish I could show myself, but I know it will turn into something bad like if the tigerwing's knew. They started walking back so I got out of the bushes. I spread my wings and started running then flapping my wing. I was in the sky now, the wind pressing against my fur. It feels so good to fly, it's calm. I followed them back to their house. They both ran inside the house while I dive down with my wings at my side. As I near the tree's, I quickly spread my wings and glide right over them so fast that I almost ran into a tall tree, almost.

I landed right on the house, and quickly looked around at my surroundings, nothing. I walked on the roof till I heard a window opening. "I know mom, getting washed up." I heard clothes being moved then water running. I walked to the sound of water, I looked down and saw Riley washing his hands. He had his glasses off and I realized he had green eye's. I melted right there, his eye's were like the forest. I can smell him from here, pumpkin spice and pine needles. He turned off the water and dried them with a green towel. I quickly backed away from his window, then I heard another voice. "Son, lunch is ready." this man's voice was so deep it reminded me of my father. "Yeah, dad. I'm on my way down." I heard Riley ran out the door with his father, I guess.

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