chapter 8

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I saw my parent's on the ground not moving. "Mom, dad. What did you do?" Evil Day smiled at me. Anger was building inside me as I was about to kill him, but Ivy stopped me. I looked at her and the way she looked at me said don't move. She whispered in my ear. "It's a trap, that's not your real parent's." I nodded even though I wanted to ask how she knew. Ivy walked up to Evil Day not close but near him. "You don't even know Riley's parent's. You lied."

Evil Day laughed so hard that I hope he would pop. "Yes, that's right. I just want to get this war over with then I can be King." Ivy pointed her sword at him. "This ends now. Leave or be destroyed." He laughed even harder. His voice was so deep that I have focus a little more. I think his laugh is kind of a spell. "You can't destroyed me. Either way, it's you two who will die." Ivy snarled at him, but Evil Day just smiled.

Thunder and lightning stroke the sky. Clouds started to close around the moon. Now it was dark, and we can only see Evil Day's blood red eye's. I felt Ivy's hand in mine, and I squeezed her hand. All of a sudden light spread the whole area. Even Evil Day looked surprised. "What's going on?" Out of no where, a blast of lightning hit Evil Day and he went flying. We turned around to see Maddy looking happy as ever. She had her hands in front of her like she just blow something up. "Maddy, what are you doing here?" She ran to me. "I'm here to help."

Ivy and I looked at each other then back at Maddy. She pulled out a necklace from under her shirt. It was a pendant of a lightning strike. "Ivy, when you left I had a visit from your mom and dad. They told me that you both need my help, so they gave me this necklace, also I have

wing's." I smiled at her. "That's amazing Maddy." We turned around to see Evil Day getting out of the water. He started coughing, but he looked okay, I wish I hadn't said that. He got up and he growled at us. I pulled my sword out, also Ivy. "You think your magic can help little girl, your

wrong." He blasted us with fire, but we all ducked down. Ivy turned her sword into a bow and arrow and shot three arrows at him. He dodged everyone then blasting us with another fireball.

"You can't defeat me or my minions." Out of no where a bunch of tigerwing's came out of the sky and landed in front of Evil Day. Evil Day laughed then said charge to his minions. They all came toward us and the battle began. Throughout the whole time we killed many of these tiger/wing's thing's. I saw Ivy cut off the guy's head clear off. Maddy was shooting lightning strikes at every tiger she saw, and when the lightning hits them their eyeballs pop out. Myself, I took out so many of these thing's that I lost count. We killed all of them, then turned to Evil Day who just smiled at us. "What's so funny?" He just looked at me then looked at Ivy, also Maddy. He roared all of a sudden then smashed his fist into the ground. The ground started to shake like a earthquake. The cave near the lake crumbled to the ground. Then the ground started to split in two. Maddy started screaming, I turned around to see her trying to steady herself of a cliff that Evil Day created. I ran to her, but got stopped when a root caught my foot and fall to the ground. The roots started curling around my legs, then my waist. I tugged at them but no luck. I thought of my fire then the roots fell apart, turned to ash. I got up and ran to Maddy who was calling my name.

I grabbed her hands and pulled her up. That's when Ivy wasn't around. I turned to see her fighting off roots, rocks, and other thing's I don't know. Maddy and I help her destroy the thing's. We face Evil Day who kept chanting a spell I guess. "Oh no." I turned to Ivy who was flushed from the fight. "What?" She looked at me. "I know this spell, he's trying to create a tornado. We have to stop him, hurry." I looked at him from far away. "What can we do to stop him." I said yelling cause the wind started wailing. "We have to create a spell that will destroy him and the tornado." She was yelling now. "How do we do that?" Her face looked really stressed from everything we did. "We need to get around him and we are going to say a spell that would get rid of him forever." I nodded and we started walking to him. The wind started pulling us back, but we kept forward. We made it to him and we circled him. Maddy was holding my hand as she reached for Ivy's hand, then Ivy reached for mine.

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