chapter 7

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I got 2 more chapters to go. I know it's short, but I hope you liked it.



Today is the day we fight Evil Day to bring back Riley's parents. Maddy is to stay here with Grams as Riley and I will fight. She wasn't happy to stay behind, but it's to keep her safe. The last time I saw Evil Day is when he tried to kill me when I was running around the world. He is very powerful, I don't even know how he is strong. He knows a lot of spells that I worked on my whole life. I've been telling Riley all about Evil Day, what he does, also tell him that Evil Day will get in your mind if your not paying attention.

Riley and I are up stairs planning on what to do. "So we are just going head on. Straight into battle." I looked at Riley who was stressing out. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me. "Don't worry. Will get your parents back, I promise I'll do anything to get them back. I swear on my life." He grabbed my hand and kissed the palm of it. "I don't want to see you hurt." I nodded. It felt great when he kissed me earlier. I never been kissed before, but when he kissed me it felt like my life depends on it. He looked at me with his beautiful green eye's. I felt my breath stop as he leaned in. My long hair was covering my flushed face. His hand pulled my hair back behind my ear. I took his sweet scent of pine needles and forest. He kissed my neck as I really lost my breath. I cranked my neck so he can have more access. I felt his hands move around my waist and up my back. I placed my hands on his shoulders as he started to kiss my neck to my jaw. He stopped and whispered in my ear.

"Do you want me to stop?" I shivered under him and I felt him smile against my ear. I gripped his shoulders tighter. I moan a little as he kissed my earlobe. He pulled back, but I pushed him against me. I kissed his perfect lips. He moaned as I pulled his hair. Right there and then I didn't care about anything. His lips moved as well as mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up. We were on the bed now. I was under him as he was on top of me and his hands went to my shirt. I felt his soft hand go under my shirt. My hand roamed his big solid chest. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.

(You know what came next. Hope it was at least good part.)

It was about three o'clock pm when we finished mating each other. It felt nice to be mated to the one you love for your whole life. I brushed my hair as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him with my blue eye's to see his pour into mine. I stood up and kissed his naked chest. He kissed my head and rubbed my back. We got dressed and went down stairs. As we entered the living room Grams looked at us with wide eye's then she had a huge smile. "Well, I see you two got busy up there." I saw Riley blush beside me as well as me. Grams gave us a big hug and I say this is the most embarrassing thing ever.

Maddy came in then sniffed the air. "Whoa, what happened." Riley coughed and looked at me. I smiled at him. Grams looked between me and Riley again, then looked at Maddy. Maddy finally got what Grams was saying. Maddy started screaming and ran to me. "Yeah, are you going to marry my brother are you? Oh please say yes." Riley growled at Maddy, and she stepped back. I placed my hands on Riley's chest and pushed him back a little. I whispered in his ear. "Calm down Riley. I don't mind what she said about getting married, but calm down." I felt him relax as I touched him. He hugged me tight and kissed my head. He whispered back. "I would love to make you my wife." I pulled back and looked in his eye's. I smiled at him and blushed a little. He pulled my chin up to look at him. "I l-love y-you." My breath stopped. He looked away embarrassed. I pulled his face back to mine. "I love you too." He smiled so big that I thought his face would crack.

The rest of the day we have been outside training each other. The necklace that my mother gave him was very powerful. He controls fire now so I taught him how to shoot them at target's. It's almost time to leave and I said a spell to both of us. Riley started to shine then he had black armor on. He looked really hot in armor, also is was my dad's anyway. Then I placed a spell on myself, then I had black and gold armor like my dad's and my mom's. My sword was strapped to my belt where it should be. After we got our armor on then it vanished, I told Riley to try turn into a Wolfwing. He nodded and stood in the middle of the yard. He looked at me with nerves face. "Will it hurt on the first try?" I nodded. "How do I turn?" I walked up to him. "Since you have to change from the necklace, you should be very different. You have to think of your own wing's. What color do you think your wing's will be?" I can see him thinking, then said, "Black wing's and white feathers." I nodded and stepped back.

He took a deep breath and thought of his wing's. He went to all fours groaning in pain. I saw beads of sweat running down his forehead. He was breathing hard, but he kept from being unconscious. Black wing's came out of his back with white feathers. Then his wolf took form. Now he was on all fours as a wolf. He spread his wing's and got a good look at them. He looked at me with a wolf smirk. Maddy and Grams were behind me looking at him with wide eye's. "Riley, sweetie are you okay?" Riley nodded and came to me. Now, he was the same size as my wolf. I petted his big furry head. I kissed it and walked around him to get a closer look at his feathers. "Your wing's are amazing." He nudged his head against my leg and I knew it was time to turn back.

"Alright, now think of yourself as human again. Picture yourself." He thought then he was back in human form. "That was awesome." I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Are you okay." He nodded against me. "Ya, I'm fine, but it was hard to turn into a Wolfwing. Was it hard when you first did it?" I nodded. "Ya, it was the must painful thing ever." As I told him that next time we change it will be less painful. Maddy kept talking about having wing's also. "Maddy, someday you might turn into one.

Someday." She nodded and ran up stairs. Me and Riley were on the couch watching the time go by fast. "If this day is the last time we see each other. I just want to say that your the greatest thing that ever happen to me." I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. "Same here my love. If we live we will be Queen and King of the Wolfwing's. Are you up for that or is it to soon for you?" He looked at me. "I'll stand by your side every minute of it. Your mother and father said I'll be crowned King if we defeat Evil Day. I'll be with you always." I had a tears running down my cheeks and Riley brushed them away. "Ivy, I'll never leave you. Never in million year's." I grabbed him once again and we kissed, this time it was much slower than last time.

It was time to leave the house. I stepped outside with Riley by my side. We said our good-byes, then turned to Riley. "Ready." He nodded then we both turned into our Wolfwing's and flew to the sky. Evil Day said that he will be at the lake by Riley's house. We saw Evil Day standing by the lake in his form. The full moon was shining over the lake where we saw everything. We flew down and landed not far from him. Evil Day turned around, that's when I saw his red eye's. His fur was black and red, his teeth was sharp as knives, and his dragon wing's were spiked with thorns, he is a Tiger that has wing's, a Tigerwing. Evil Day turned back back into human. His hair was black as night, his clothes were black and red, and his eye's were blood red. "Well hello Ivy. How have you been?" I growled and turned back to human form. I was in my armor, then Riley turned back also. Riley stepped forward and pulled out his sword that Grams gave him. It grown as he touched it. "Where are my parent's?" He pointed his sword at Evil Day who just smiled.

"Oh, your parent's are right here." He snapped his fingers and two people were on the ground not moving.


What happens next?




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