Chapter 10 ~ We All Have Our Losses

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After listening in slighty to their briefing, I saw them also stand up from their seats, before Steve said, "Suit up, meet in the quinjet, in 5."

With that, everyone was dismissed, from the room. I spotted Pietro, and trotted along silently, at his side.

After getting changed, he headed towards the roof, where the quinjet was. Pietro stepped inside, with me following. He only realised my presence, when he heard the sound of my paws on the metal.

Nat and Bruce were up front, with everyone already ready. Pietro quickly grabbed my collar, leading me out. He commanded me to stay.

I whimpered, as the doors began to shut. In a panicked frenzy, I shot over trying to get to him. But I was too late. So I waited ontop of the cold roof until their return.




I saw the familiar plane, that flew off before, containing Pietro and the others.

When it landed, I dashed in, looking for him. Everyone looked at me with sympathy, as I started whining, as I searched everywhere for him.

It was Bruce, Tony and Thor to leave first.

Soon it was just Steve, Wanda and I. I watched as Steve exited, sparing me and Wanda one last glance, before heading inside.

I sniffed around a bit more, before I looked over to Wanda, who was crying. I continued searching round, but was startled, when Wanda yelled at me, "STOP IT! He's gone, Pietro is DEAD! He isn't coming back."

I backed away slightly, before cautiously heading over to Wanda. She stook her hand out and buried her head into the crook of my neck.




For the next few weeks, me and Wanda, were each others lifeline. We bother reminded each other of Pietro. I went off my food and water, after the first few days, realising he wasn't coming back. The thought of it, made me want to throw up.

No one had saw us in a while, everyone was becoming increasingly worried about Wanda self-isolating herself from others. They were also highly concerned, about my not eating, realising that I was grieving in my own way too.

Me and Wanda, were hiding under her blankets and duvets, until she got up, making her way over towards the door hesitantly. I couldn't bring myself to move, feeling so weak, but if she went, I had to go with her.

So as Wanda, slowly exited, I followed her, barely registering, that my limbs were carrying me towards the elevator, going after her. We were both physically and emotionally drained, and I heard Wanda, talking to me, saying that she thought taht we were bothe depressed. I agreed.

It was only now, that Wanda, was apparent, to how thin I actually was. When she met me, I was 4kg underweight, only weighing 18kg, and now my physical state was deteriorating, and don't even get me started on my mental state. I was about 16kg.

Wanda said in practically a whisper, "Come on Tasha, we have to be brave, we have to stop thinking about all the bad things, and really put ourselves out there, it may be scary, but we have a job to help people. Let'sbe brave together. "

The elevator dinged, warning others, of our presence, and I felt Wanda's hand graze the top of my head, anxiously, as we reached the kitchen.

I saw Steve, Bucky, Sam, Thor, and Nat, already there. I felt empty, when we were given glares of sympathy. I pawed, at Wanda, encouraging her to get something to eat, and for her to hurry the hell up.

She seemed to understand, trying to find something. Steve stood up and made his way towards us. I backed away, while Steve helped Wanda.

In self-isolating with Wanda,  I had become quite skittish. Steve seemed to pick up on that, making sure to keep his distance. That's when I smelled it. An instantly, sweet intoxicating smell. My head snapped up in the direction. Yes, Thor I fucking love you! I immediately ran over not caring anymore, and snatched the plat away from him. Oh, yeaahhh babyy. ♡Bacon♡! My saviour, my love, my sweet, motherfucking bacon. Thor scoffed as I as ate all of his bacon in seconds.

I picked up the plate, dropping it, and sat expectingly, at Steve's feet. I wagged my tail, causing everyone to laugh and smile at me, Wanda included. Mission success, Wanda smiles. I darted over, licking all over her face and hands, reaching for any skin, that was bare.




Slowly but surely, we socialised, and within a few days we were all chatting together.

Tony had just entered, ranting about something, causing me to huff alot louder than what I expected. "Excuse me little lady, but what the fuckkk?" Tony said confused.

I'm 16kg of skin, fur and bones, sarcasm is my only defense. I thought to myself, before huffing again. By this point everyone was dying, at Tony's downfall to a dog, so I barked happily wagging my tail, before pulling a very smart and funny trick.

I trotted over to Tony, and stood up on my hind legs, throwing my front legs over his shoulders. I barked in his face, and with the weight of my paws, he fell to the ground, groaning in defeat.

Sam started dramatically, "Tony stop dancing with Tasha, don't let Pepper find out!"

Everyone erupted into laughter, even Tont, as we laughed away all our problems. Turns out having a dog live with the avengers, lightened up the mood for everyone. It was not as quiet, as what it would be, without me, but realising, at how much joy I brought them, I barked proud of my self.

Pietro and Riley would be so proud. Maybe they got their happy endings, if they went to a better place, especially if they net each other. That would've been awesome. If only there was a way to bring them back.

But looking round at all the people surrounding me, I realised that I maybe didn't need them now, and that things were supposed to be this way. If so, we would all be together at some point, in life. But for now, I had the Avengers, and together, we would be fully unstoppable.

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