Chapter 27 ~ Lifes hard

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Lifes hard, I understand that now, I understand the pain that we brings of the earth endure. I felt as though I was carrying everyone's pain, but it was far from that. To other people, I was a normal thing. But to my family, the avengers, or what's left of it, I was broken.

For the past five years the same thing is on repeat every single day. It's always the same routine, every day. As time passed by, I felt worse and worse and worse, every second that Bucky spent away from me, weakening me down.

Ever since Bucky disappeared, I became, vicious, dangerous, lethal, to anyone who tried to make any human or affectionate contact with me. I don't know who I am anymore. I felt lost in my own mind. I didn't understand the ways of life anymore.

I had never given much thought to death, but I wondered if it was peaceful, I wondered where you would go when you die. If I were to die, would I be reunited with my Bucky.

When I shut my eyes, I was met by the same horrifying dream on repeat, over and over again.

I padded alongside someone on the lead, when I looked up, I was greeted by the fellow face of Riley, at first, I felt happy.

Then I remembered, it wasn't real, he died, and then he would blow up all over again, I ended up crawling over to his still form, whimpering.

When I closed my eyes, I immediately awoke only to be greeted by the same metal fencing holding me in. Seeing the familiar blonde, caused a pang of pain in my heart.

As I let out another cry, Pietro turned into a dead corpse whispering, "you could've saved me, you could've saved us all"

Bucky and Riley appeared, and so did the rest of the dead squad in the background.

Then Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Tony, Thor, Vision, and Wanda appeared also looking dead.

They all whispered awful things, confusing and hurting me more and more by the second, while waiting for their individual turn to tear my heart apart.

Bucky began, "If it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for you, Pietro would still be alive, Riley would be alive, he died because he was partners with you, and look at how that turned out!" his voice raising. "Vision died, because of you, Sam died because of you, I died, because of you."

I turned and looked over at the red headed widow, "Why? You made everyone die, I know that I'm a killer, but you? You've killed everyone around you. I will die because of you"

Wanda finished Natasha's speech by interrupting her, "My brother died because of you, I was tortured because of you. I felt like I had been to Hell and back a million times, because I met you."

Steve took a step towards me, and slapped me into the wall, I whimpered out of fear and pain, "I wish you would just die! You have no purpose in this world except for hurting people. I hope you experience the most painful death ever!" He said, raing painful blows down onto me with every word he said.

I couldn't take it anymore and I lashed out.

No matter how hard I fought to try not to hurt them, I couldn't stop myself, it felt like I wasn't in control of myself.

A look or horror covered Wanda's face as she let out a blood curdling scream, while draining all her energy of red, as I slashed her throat. The only thing left standing was something I never expected to see. Max.

Tasha (avengers × dog)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon