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      "It was nice to see uncle Stephen again," you told Eclipse as the two of you flew over the city of New York, back to the Avenger's Tower. "Even though he was a little different from the last time I saw him."

    Eclipse purred in response, acknowledging you.

    "A good different." You specified. "It was like... I don't know...He actually cared about me. I mean he even remembered my name. That's never happened before!"

    Eclipse roared agreement, making you laugh and roll your eyes.

    "You've never met him before bud." You laughed, putting a gentle hand on his head. "But I'm glad you like him." You're laughing stoped when the tower got into view. The lights to the living room were off. Along with the lights to everyone's living quarters. That wasn't unusual, especially since it was late into the night. What was unusual was Eclipse's reaction upon approaching the tower. As the two of you neared the tower Eclipse let out a low, threatening, growl. The one that warned you danger was nearby.

    "What is it bud?" You asked, concern etched in your voice. "Is there someone in the tower? Someone who's not supposed to be there?"

    Eclipse growled louder at your question, confirming your suspicion. Your mind began to race. Who could be in a tower that had Eclipse all riled up? Hydra was still at large. Could it be them? Could spies from Hydra infiltrate the tower? Then you remembered the look on Cap's face when he got back from the mission a few weeks back. He was annoyed. No, he was beyond annoyed, he was upset. He rarely got upset. He was usually only upset when a mission didn't go as planned. When the bad guy got away, or if there was some kind of moral dilemma eating away at him. And since you didn't think he was going through any sort of personal moral crisis at the moment his bad mood had to be connected to Hydra. Could that be who was in the tower? You didn't know. What you did know was Eclipse was on edge, which made you on edge.

    "All right," you told Eclipse. "Time to go stealth mode." And with that you and Eclipse ascended into the night sky, melting into the inky blackness as you approached the tower. As you got nearer you took out your Stark phone from your pocket opening an app that controlled some of the tower's security. Tony installed the app on everyone's phone and taught everyone how to use it. Unlike him, Bruce, and Nat, the rest of the team wasn't necessarily good with computers. Especially when it came to hacking them. Tony installed the app as a pro caution, just in case the tower got hacked by someone. The app allowed the team to shut down some of the towers security. Not all of it, in case something happened to a team member's phone, but some.

    You went straight to the roof's camera system, making the last 15 minutes play on a loop to ensure no one in the tower would know when you land.

    "Alright," you breathed quietly, "everything is set up. No one will know that we're back. You ready?"

    Eclipse let out a small roar of conformation, then he dived down to the roof top, making the landing quick and silent. Both of you wanting to stay out of any source of light.

    When you landed you made a quick check on your phone, making sure the cameras where working for you properly. "Perfect." You whispered as you carefully, silently, dismounted Eclipse. "Everything is working as it should."

    Eclipse watched as you took your hair band that permanently lived on your wrist and tied your hair up into a fast ponytail. "You wait up here till I give the signal. Then when I call you go down to the main deck and come in through the doors. If the doors are locked blast them open. Tony's a billionaire, he shouldn't care too much about a few broken doors. Or, you know... a blown up wall. And if he dose care I have money, I can pay him back. Or at least my dad can if I don't have enough. Then I can just pay him back later." As you rambled on Eclipse continued to watch you intently. Though he was one of the smartest species of dragon in existence he didn't understand fluent English. So he watched as you rambled waiting for a command he did know. Eclipse fallowed you to the door that led to the stair case, watching as you took off your shoes.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now