Brand New Day! Family Picnic Day!

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Will had woken up a little bit before his alarm feeling an odd tingling in his head. This may be the one thing he couldn't figure out just yet. But regardless, the sleepy curly haired boy hovered his hand over the off button, ready to turn off the alarm that was going to go off soon. The moment he heard it, he gently pushed the button, turning off his alarm. He stretched out his body while trying to wake himself up. He then fell off the bed and landed on his hands. He didn't need no random spider powers to do that since he's been able to do this for most of his life as is. It was a basic reaction for him at this point. Once he was on the ground, he started to do some pushups, though he did them differently than usual. When he was pushing himself up, Will would push himself up more and clap his hands before putting them back on the ground. He did so about fifty times and didn't feel tired at all. This was an entirely new feeling for him....he figured that his endurance had increased drastically. 'huh...thank you random spider.....' he thought to himself. As he did his next workout, situps, the troublemaking boy started to wonder if that spider was the experimental spider Christopher was talking about. It most likely was of course, but it seemed to have worked. Too bad it was only on him though. He had finished doing his situps, doing a total of sixty sit-ups without fail. He was basically ready to take on the day as he went to do the rest of his morning routine. The typical shower, brush his teeth, and get ready for breakfast. But once he got down to the kitchen, he saw Christopher, and his youngest siblings both downstairs looking at Will.

Christopher had a grin on his face as he held a basket and blanket out while Kenny held onto some plastic dishes and utensils and Misty held onto her small butterfly house, a net and a frisbee for them to play with. "Perfect, you're all awake! Let's all head out and have fun for the afternoon!" Christopher called out with some joy in his voice.

Will was a little shocked to hear this from Christopher of all people. Usually by now he'd be in his lab munching on toast and buried in his work. Then he remembered his talk yesterday. Though honestly he wasn't expecting him to actually go through with it. He couldn't help but get a little excited like a little kid. "o-oh! Alright! Do you need me to hold onto anything?" He asked curiously, wanting to be of some help.

Christopher nodded his head. "Yes. Could you hold this basket and blanket, along with a few baseball mitts and equipment?" He asked handing Will what he had asked. He watched Will holding everything without too much difficulty and effort, no strain either. She of the stuff would be a little bit much for most people. He kept a mental note on this information for a little later. This was definitely different for Will and he knew this.

The curly haired boy didn't mind having to carry everything in his arms. "Sure, would you like me to carry anything else?" He asked hopeful that the answer was yes. When he heard the answer was no, he wasn't too disappointed with that. "Well then, let's get goin!" He shouted out while holding almost all the stuff in his arm and opening the door.

Meanwhile, Christopher subtly wrote something on his phone with the mini pen he had on it. Whatever he was writing was something important to him. But he followed close behind and made sure to not be too far from them at all times. But the one he watched the most was Will. He kept an eye on his siblings so easily and without problem. He watched Will, who seemed to barely be able to see things in front of him due to everything he was holding, walk as if he could see everything around him. The curly haired boy was able to move away from oncoming poles, keep his siblings near him with his leg, and even narrowly evade people that almost ran into him as they walked, biked or skateboarded by him. Christopher took all this information in like a sponge, becoming more and more intrigued by what he was witnessing.

Will was thinking about where they could picnic together that was open enough for them. Central Park was a little far for them, even if it was large enough. But then he remembered the Harlem Square Park nearby and guided them to that area. "c'mon! I know where to go! It won't be too far from here!" He called to his family while he walked. He knows how odd it was to be as excited as he was, but he just couldn't help himself. Maybe it was just the fact that they were ALL together, or the fact that his own father finally found all of them worthy of his time. He wasn't sure what it was, but he didn't care at this time.

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