Tragedy Strikes! Saving A Life!

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The time is 2:24 AM. Christopher Richardson was about to head to bed after getting rid of all of his hard earned work. He had absolutely no regrets for what he did. Especially since it meant he would never have to worry about redoing his experiment over and over again. As far as he was concerned, all of that was out of sight, and out of mind for the rest of his life. Soon enough, the older scientist stepped out of his lab and into the living room before hearing a knock on his door. He walked towards it to check to see who would be there. "Who could that be at almost two thirty in the morning?" He mumbled to himself before opening the door. What he saw once he did made his heart sink to his stomach.

Fisk's Fists men with some slightly better armor, weapons and a much more Stern look to them stared down at the older scientist with cold, almost unforgiving eyes. "You Christopher Richardson?" Said the Task Force agent in the very front center.

Christopher stared down at the man with a slightly nervous look in his eyes. He tried his very best to not look them in the eyes, having a feeling they'd do something to him. "Y-yes sir I am...." He said rather quietly with a hint of fear in his voice despite how hard he tried to hide that.

The front officer showed Christopher his badge. The badge of an elite Fisk's Fists man. A much shinier badge, slightly gold in color and able to show the reflection of the person in front of it. "My name is Sergeant Heinguard Stentz. Leader of the elite Fisk's Fists platoon. I believe you have been doing some illegal work against Mayor Wilson Fisk's wishes." He stated with a calm yet authorative tone.

The scientist couldn't believe what he heard from this burly male. He had heard of him before. Heinguard was one of the best in Fisk's Fists. In fact, he was the very top of the list. A male who took a variation of the same super soldier serum that created Captain America. Though not quite as strong, it definitely helped make his abilities far better than most normal humans could ever dream to be. But why was he here?? "I was working on something that I thought could help him! I would never do anything against Fisk!" He said calmly knowing that there was no evidence to speak of.

Heinguard was able to tell if a person was lying or not. When he stared at his suspect, he could tell there was nothing but the truth in his eyes and voice. "I see. However, is it true that you have children? A 'William Andrew Richardson' living with you?" He then asked. But the slightly scrawny man was only able to nod. "He's a known criminal around here. I'm afraid you and him will have to be taken in. He'll be working for us soon. While you, you'll rot in a cell." He told Christopher, who could only stare in shock and awe.

Meanwhile, back upstairs, Will woke up slightly groggy. For some reason, he noticed someone rummaging through his sheets and lightly kicking him. "What the hell....?" He mumbled as he moved the sheets in his way. When he did so, he could see both of his little siblings laying up slightly looking up at him. 'Well now it makes sense.' he thought to himself figuring out what it was. "Did you two have another nightmare?" He asked them with a slight yawn while rubbing his eyes.

Kenny looked at him with a little bit of worry in his eyes. He then shook his head with a slight tremble. "Big brother....daddy went to answer the door..." He started out unsure how to answer.

Misty slightly sat up to sit next to him. "When we checked by our Windows, these big scary men were by the front door. In the big trucks." She says with a tremble in her voice.

The curly haired boy's eyes shot wide open when he heard that. He then checked out by his window to see what they were talking about. It was exactly what he feared. Fisk's Fists were at their very home....but why? He hadn't done anything bad! He then gently grabbed his two siblings and carefully took them next to his closet. "You two go inside there and stay hidden until I come back to get you. I'm gonna check out what's happening." He said while opening the door. He then started to close the door behind them. "I'll be sure either Christopher or I will come back to get you when this is over." He assured them as he then closed the door. After that, he headed out of his room and quietly went down the stairs. He could see the people of Fisk's Fists talking to Christopher. Though what was weird to him was that he had never seen them before. Could these be the elite men that he had heard so much about? He stayed as quiet as he could so he could hear what they were talking about.

Spider-Man: The Greatest Spider-ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora