Confidence Of A Hero! Kraven's First Test!

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At 6:43 at night, Will was swinging through the city night sky after taking down several gang members and Fisk's Fists men without getting too tired. He started to stretch after a hard day's work of stopping crime so far. A lot of news media had said how he was changing things in the city, and others were against his actions. But he knew that most of it was the bias of people that believed that Fisk was a good person, which was a very small amount anyway so to him, it didn't truly matter. At most to him it was a minor annoyance, and at the very least, it was something he could fall asleep to or laugh at from how false they sounded. Besides that, he knew what he was doing. He then gets on the mini phone connected to his mask. "Mr. Parker, you hear the news? Once again they're stating how great of a job Spidey's been doing lately." He said slightly over confident in his abilities.

Peter noticed just how his attitude is and was starting to get a little concerned for him. "Yeah well don't let it get to your head too much Richardson. The moment you do, something bad could happen." He warned his protege trying to sound Stern but fair to him. He acknowledged Will was doing a spectacular job with fighting the crime in the streets of course, however, he also knew the consequences of getting too overconfident in one's abilities, no matter who you were.

The curly haired boy rolled his eyes under his mask as he swung feeling absolutely carefree about the world around him. He felt nearly untouchable with the speed and agility he possessed. "You worry too much man! I'm doin great! They got nothin on me! Soon enough, I'll be able to do whatever I gotta do to arrest the big man himself!" He said sounding super sure of himself on his victory. So much so, that he wasn't paying any attention to most of the environment around him. After a moment however, Will felt his spider sense go off, but was unsure of where the exact danger was coming from. By the time he figured it out, it was too late. Something his  web line, causing him to fall out of the sky. Thankfully, he was able to use his reflexes to make another web line to swing on, then directed himself to land on a building elegantly. "Okay....I may have to call you back...." He mumbled to Peter, muting his end of the call as he takes a stance. "Uhh sorry, Tarzan is next year's Musical." He joked, not quite sure how to react.

Sergei slowly walks up to his foe, slightly circling him. "So, you are the new Spider-Man....?" He asked him while observing him up close. Slowly but surely, the hunter was a little disappointed as he looked at him up closely. He seemed so much more impressive from a distance of he was being honest. "You may look to have an impressive fighting style, but you don't look much older from the real Spider-Man all those years ago." He told the new Spider hero staring him down.

The curly haired hero stances in the signature Spider stance, ready to defend himself just in case he'd need to. "I drank from the fountain of youth is why. It tasted like Alkaline water to be honest." He joked as he watched the unusual Hunter jump toward him. Once he saw him take out a blade, Spidey was able to dodge backwards with the greatest of ease. He flipped backwards to avoid his attacks. At the same time, his spider sense went off and he jumped to the side, narrowly dodging darts that came from a hidden silo. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Cheap tactics!" He shouted out, jumping to his left side to slightly distract his foe. Once he got close enough, he webbed up Kraven's wrist and pulled the knife out of his hand and dashed ahead himself to land a punch to the hunter. He noticed Kraven take the hit head-on, and surprisingly enough, he felt a heavy attack. Heavier than the original Spidey 's punches. 

Kraven rubbed his jaw from how hard the impact was. He could actually feel that more than he did with his original prey. He starts to think about what he was going to do next. So to start, he took an herb out of his pouch and prepared to eat it. "You are slightly more impressive than I had expected of you. However, this is where that ends." He told Will coldly as he put the herb in his mouth and instantly swallowed that. With that, he felt his strength and speed increase. He started off by jumping toward Spider-Man, his blades in hand swinging slightly faster than he was previously. 

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