A Hero's Choice! Part One: Patriot Girl's Desperate Battle!

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The next night, Patriot Girl was tracking down one of the two assassins that were hunting Spidey, hoping to bring them in herself and feel like she was a hero worth looking up to....just like her mom.....her dad....and her brother....hell for all the Avengers and Next Avengers teams. She had a feeling on where they could be, and reached close to it within an hour. She stared at it for a short time before finally deciding to just go in. If she was honest, she was hoping that Mantis was in there. While the Trapster was and is dangerous, realistically she knew that Mantis would be the most dangerous given his fighting style, armor and weapons. Trapster would be someone she could deal with later down the line.

The patriotic superheroine soon entered the building, shield up, on guard and ready to run into her foe. She had to be somewhat quiet to sneak up on him, but she also had to be prepared for at least some kind of ambush. However, what she wasn't expecting was an unusual beeping sound and a flashing red light. This wasn't right ....Mantis doesn't use weapons like this.....not bombs at least...... her eyes then widened and she dove out of the way before the explosion went off. When it did, a large quantity of glue burst from it, but not quite hitting Patriot Girl. But it was still a very close call. "Trapster...." She muttered to herself.

"Present and accounted for milady...." The glue trap themed assassin said casually while having a blade made out of hardened glue, sharpened and ready for use. Though what made it more unusual for the star spangled woman was that he was more... confident than previous encounters. Sure he was always ready to fight her, but something about how he was acting this time was rather odd.

She took a stance with her shield extended outward to protect her front. Whatever he was up to, she was more ready for compared to the last time. Especially since she didn't have a rookie superhero to protect this time, given how she told him to basically quit. This time, she could focus on her enemy. "What's with the confidence Trapster? Finally just accepting your fate?" She asked as she reached for a weapon on her belt. However, before she could pull it out fully, something hit her hand, knocking the gun out. She was able to look up and see just what had hit her pistol.

Mantis stood on the ceiling's pillars keeping the roof up, blowing smoke out of his mantis claw blaster. "Perhaps because we decided to share the bounty that's on your head alone.....then after you, we'll easily take out that faux Spider-Man." He then said in a serious tone. Once he jumped down and landed right next to Trapster, the two assassins slowly walked over to Patriot Girl, who was creeping back, hoping to come up with some sort of strategy for beating them.

The Star Spangled Woman could actually feel a sense of nerves swell up in her. One of the deadly assassin's was bad enough. But the two working together? This definitely was bad news. But she didn't have much time to think, as her first sight was them running toward her, both switching who was going to be at the front to try and catch her off guard. Since they both have different fighting styles, she had no idea how to block and counter. Thankfully, she was able to block Mantis attack with her shield and kicked Trapster in the chest, causing him to stumble back. She then threw her shield at the Trapster only to slam her elbow into Mantis face. Her elbow was definitely in a lot of pain, but at least Mantis was off of her. She caught her shield just in time to tackle Mantis with it once again. Though the green suited assassin was able to summon his blades which she barely blocked as well. Though the force of his assault pushed her back. Even worse, she felt the impact of a hard staff made by Trapster. Then a powerful jab from Mantis claws in his armor. Thankfully to her, they were blunt weapons, but it still hurt.

The Trapster grinned ear to ear, proud of the attacks that landed. After his attack, the glue trap themed assassin soon went to sweep her legs to trip her up. Something that she caught, and kicked his jaw as hard as she could. Though sadly the kick wasn't that powerful to him, since his armor was so dense. But it was just enough to make him stumble back just enough for her to move back. She then was about to throw her shield only to be attacked from behind by Mantis, who struck her with his mantis claw. She turned her attention to him, hitting his shins with her shield then spin kicking him directly in the face. "What's the matter Mantis? You seem less determined?" She asked trying to poke fun at him.

However, the green cladded assassin didn't get angry. He simply twirled a blade in his hand. "Correction. With Trapster, I won't have to try. Then once we're done with you, we'll be able to kill Spider-Man even faster than we did you." He said as he went to attack again, his moves fast, swift but powerful all at the same time. Something this super soldier noticed fairly quickly. She tried to find a weakness...but with his continued assault, she was having a difficult time trying to concentrate on two things at once. So much so that she was taking more damage than she'd like. The fight was slowly taking it's toll on her. But she refused to give up. She had to try.... even if it cost her her own life. So she bashed her shield into Mantis, soon throwing it into Trapster to stun him. Once her plan worked, she then punched him multiple times in the upper body. After that, she noticed Mantis about to attack her, so grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder and slammed him into the ground.

Just when she thought it was over though, her feet were caught in more glue on the ground. She struggled to get herself free, but to no avail. This stuff was incredibly strong and sticky. She felt three punches from each assassin hit her body. "Not bad brat.....too bad you were too careless...." Mantis said as he summoned a sword from his armor ready to stab her. However, before the blade could pierce her, he was kicked away.

Spider-Man had just arrived into the battlefield kicking with both of his feet. "Presenting, making a special guest appearance, my foot!" He joked after the attack and landed gracefully next to her. "Okay so that wasn't one of my better ones....but I had nothing else so I went with whatever came to mind." He then said with a smirk.

Both Mantis and Trapster heard him and ran further into the building. This gave Will the chance he needed to get Patriot Girl free. Once he lifted her out, boots and all, he then felt cuffs being put on his wrists. "I told you what would happen if I saw you in that again. So I'm doing this for your own good." She says with authority trying to push Will back

"Okay that's it!" He shouted shoving her off. "look lady, I get you're still upset over your bestie dying, but believe it or not, I'm not like her. I'm different!" He shouted to her. "I have a reason for putting this on. So that people can't suffer like I did... through losing someone because of someone's inaction or them feeling too weak! These guys wanted me because they are hired to kill me. So I'll be the one to take them on......" He then uses every ounce of his strength to rip the cuffs apart. Then breaks the remaining pieces on his arm off to leave. "You have no right to decide who's good enough to be a hero....least of all me.....so don't you dare tell me I can't do it.... because if you can, I should be allowed the chance to myself." He told her before swinging off after them. It was then and there, Will knew he made the right choice in coming after them in costume. He knew he had to stick to being Spider-Man.....this city needed that. Especially with assassin's like them after him. The biggest question now was how was he going to defeat them....? One thing was for sure, this was one fight the web slinger refused to run from, and one that the hero knew has to be fought, one way or another......

(Editor's note: yes a two part Chapter felt appropriate! But I hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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