New Gear! Enhancing A Hero!

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It didn't take long for Will to reach Peter's house, his suit slightly covered in soot from the burning building. Once he took his mask off, he saw Peter stare at him. "I know I know I made a mistake taking my mask off for the kid, but I had to be sure he wouldn't be afraid of me or of falling so I did what I thought I had to do." Will explained waiting for a lecture from his mentor.

However, Peter didn't scold him. He didn't even give him a disappointed look. Instead, he put his hand on his shoulder with a slightly worried look on his face. "Are you alright? You didn't get hurt in there?" He asked the curly haired boy as he examined his body. Thankfully, there were no scars, no cuts, not even a bruise on him. "You did the right thing..... making sure he was comfortable and not afraid of you. But you were a little reckless jumping in there without a plan." He critiqued his protege without getting angry.

Will couldn't help but smile at his mentor. He was showing signs he was a much better teacher now than he was when they first started. Perhaps they were understanding one another as they were working together more. "Sorry about that Mr. Parker. I needed to be sure I got people out that needed my help......" He explained while taking his actions into consideration.

Peter patted his shoulder gently like that of a father. "Yeah got out of there alive, and you saved those kids with your gut instinct. Unfortunately the bad guy got away for now......or I suppose....the bad away." He said soon focusing on his computer to type in some of the research he did on the two. "Aaron Vinzent. The man that's Core. He didn't seem to want to hurt anyone, but there's a part of him that gets angry and his rationality slips into madness, like that of the other experiments. His powers are vast in comparison to the other experiments so far. This means they can make a large variety of beings into a vast number of things in a humanoid form....not just animals." Peter explained while showing Will.

"I know Aaron. He was a part of Fisk's Fists. Scrawny little guy, but he was fast and could hit hard with his weapons." Will explained showing he knew people very well. This surprised Peter, who stared in disbelief that he knew this much. "I used to get out a lot. Got in a lot of trouble with those guys." He shrugged rather casually.

Peter understood what he was saying, but went to the next person. "Next is Cooper Kingsty. A former magician using pyro kinetic tech to help with his shows. He specialized in controlling fire in a variety of ways, but no one's seen what kind of technology it is." Peter told him as he observed this information. "However, that technology was basically destroyed, and somehow the chemicals that got on him gave him this power."

"Maybe it's got to do with some sort of relation?" Will guessed. "Think about it. When Kraven took it, he became the animal kingdom. Then we got scorpion,... so maybe it does something that relates to a specific person based on something subtle and either emphasize it or embodies what they are." He theorized calmly.

The Parker male began to ponder this for a moment. Could it be that's what the mutegene does to people? If that was the case, no wonder it was illegal.......if what he said was true, Fisk could make a lot of soldiers into what he wanted, a powerful force to be reconned with. "You got a plan for stopping them?" He asked with hope in his eyes for his protege.

Will nodded his head as he showed him a message on his phone. The schematics he showed Will earlier. "I'm adding to the plans for suit improvements." He grinned while going into the basement of the house. For several hours, he tinkered with things for his web shooters, and something else entirely. Though he wouldn't show what it was to Peter, he was messing with his suit carefully examining the arms. This gave him an idea for something he wanted to try, and now was the perfect opportunity to do so. As he touched where his ribs and above went in his suit, he suddenly started to realize....this might actually be able to work! So he got some gear out and started to work right away.

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