T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Ella is 39 weeks pregnant today with our baby boy, and we couldn't be more excited for his arrival

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Ella is 39 weeks pregnant today with our baby boy, and we couldn't be more excited for his arrival. His nursery is all set up, clothes are washed, hospital bags are packed, and the bassinet that he'll be sleeping in for the first few months is waiting for him next to our bed.

Everyone is on the edge of their seats, patiently waiting for when Ella or I call them and tell them its time. She's also been incredibly moody the last 6 weeks or so, which I suspect is because we haven't been having sex anymore. And before y'all jump the gun- no, it's not because I don't find her attractive anymore.

I just don't want to hurt them. Either of them.

On top of that's- it's the beginning of June, and the weather in New York has been, stifling to say the least, so I can only imagine how she feels carrying around another human. She's stunning though, and I'm amazed every day at how her body has molded and transformed to grow our son.

She's beautiful pregnant, and I'm so incredibly thankful that she's given us the opportunity to be parents. I can't wait to continue to watch our family grow over the years.

Its 3am, Ella is curled into my chest, and we're both laying in bed wide awake. Fortunately- she did sleep a little bit, though I highly doubt two hours is enough to function when you're growing another human. One of Ella's legs is thrown over my pelvis as she practically uses me as her mattress, and she started complaining that her back hurt about an hour ago so I've been gently running my palm up and down trying to ease her discomfort a little bit.

"Babyyy" Ella sing-songs as she gently traces the lines of my tattoos with her tiny fingers. I let out a quiet hum, needing her to go back to sleep. "You know, doctors say that what gets the baby in- can also get the baby out." I crack open my eye and glance over at her, a little intrigued, but also very tired, and confused.

"On top of that," she continued. "An orgasm or two would really help ease some of these aches and pains that have come from growing your massive child." I chuckle at that. At our last appointment, the doctor said that our son was measuring in the 99th percentile for height and weight so far, and projected that he would probably be around 9lbs at birth.

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