Chapter 8 | Chris

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"How are the projects going ?" Mrs. Spencer asked from the front of the class. She wasn't asking anyone in particular but the class as a whole.

Murmurs came from around the classroom, some positive others not so much.

   Her lips flattened down in disappointment, "Remember there is a minimum requirement of three places or activities per person. You need to push past your comfort zone and get to know your partner. This will get you comfortable with interacting with people of all backgrounds . Not to mention it'll get you off your phones and enjoying the world around you. "

It wasn't long before we had our textbooks open as Mrs. Spencer droned on about some topic that I couldn't for the life of me focus on.

   The only thing I could seem to focus on was Sam who was sitting so close to me yet seemed a thousand miles away. It had been nearly a week since we had spoken, let alone met up outside of class to start on our project.

Her eyes were focused on Mrs. Spencer, her chin in her hand. There was a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks and a part of me hoped it was because of me and not the cold.

    Since Chelsea's little stunt, she had refused to meet my eyes. I wanted to apologize, to tell her that I had spoken to Chelsea and warned her from approaching her again. That it was a one time incident and wouldn't happen again.

You ever going to talk to her instead of stare? Don asked through the mind-link.

I rolled my eyes, he knew how many times I'd wanted to approach her and apologize. To stop by the diner and make her hear me out. To just be able to see her smile aimed at me, watching as the shyness left her beautiful chocolate eyes as she opened up around me.

   Yet as much as I wanted to talk to her I also knew that I did not want to push her further away. Although every fiber in my being, which had suddenly become so protective about her, wanted nothing than to demand answers. Answers about where the bruises had come from, and who had inflicted them.

The bell rang signaling the end of the class period, and everyone filed out. Sam was quick to shove her books in her backpack and follow suit.

   "Hey Sammy," I watched as Don stopped Sam just outside the door. I took my time gathering my stuff all the meanwhile eavesdropping.

"Hey Don." I watched as they fist bumped, a sort of habit they had formed. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that she was much more comfortable with Don.

"So a little birdie told me you have work release." She nodded slowly, her lips pursed obviously knowing I was the little birdie. "I was thinking that we can skip and go to the Strawberry Festival. Its a festival that comes around every year and this is the last week its in town. "

   "I don't know Don. " She sounded unsure, glancing over as I walked up to them. Did she not want to go because I would be going?

"It could be one of our project spots." I finally spoke up, my voice sounded hoarse to me. I could feel my pulse speeding up, all of a sudden nervous. I was using our project as an excuse but It was my only bargaining chip.

"I'd only be able to go for a couple hours, my shift starts at 4." she replied, chewing on her lip which she tended to do when she was nervous.

   "That's more than enough time ! " Don smiled broadly, "Kenzies been asking me to ask you to hang out. "

Sam smiled then, her beautiful face lighting up. "I'm in then. "

"Alright let me text Kenzie." Don became involved in his phone as we walked down the hallway to the front entrance. While all the other students had already headed to lunch we made our way to my red jeep. I had carpooled with Mackenzie and Don per usual.

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