Chapter 10| Chris

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The bell rang signalling the end of fourth period. Sam was putting her books in her backpack when I blurted out, "Why don't you join us for lunch?"

A look of surprise flitted across her face, as her eyes met mine. I could see myself getting lost in those golden orbs of hers.

Help me out here, I mind-liked Don.

Don came sauntering up then from the back of the class, "Yeah, you have time to kill anyways before your shift right?"

"Uh-" Sam looked between us, a look of uncertainty on her face.

"We're buying of course. We can go to a pizza place not too far from here." I suggested. Seniors where allowed to go off school to eat lunch so it was perfect.

She still looked unsure.

"C'mon Sammy." Don made an exaggerated puppy face. Sams lips pulled up into a smile as she laughed.

"Okay, okay fine." she relented, zipping up her backpack and putting it on.

A pang of jealousy flared through me as I watched her visibly relax. Don seemed to have that affect on her, yet every time I was near her she was always tense. It made no sense to me.

Green is not a good color on you, Don mind-linked.

This was not the first time I found myself feeling jealous about Sam and Don. Although I knew there was nothing but protectiveness from him, Sam was a whole other ball game. I did not need her crushing on Don.

Not when I was beginning to suspect that maybe Sam was my mate, suspicions I had yet to discuss with Don or Kenzie.

I sent him an annoyed look as we made our way to my jeep. Opening up her door, Sam sent me a shy smile as she hopped into the passengers seat. In no time I had the jeep turned on and we were heading to Mario's Pizzeria.

Don poked his head from between the seats, turning to Sam "Are you good at arcade games?"

Sam shrugged her shoulders, " I don't play so I wouldn't know. "

"The pizzeria has a small arcade connected so while we wait for the pizza to be done we should play. " He suggested.

"Sounds good. " She smiled at him, her eyes straying to mine for a second before she was looking out the window again.

I wish she was able to hold my gaze for more than a second. Then she would see just how completely wrapped around her finger I was.

I felt like a starving man trying to get any tidbits of contact with her, it was seriously unnerving how ever since the diner she's all I could think about.

In no time we were pulling up to the pizzeria and we made our way inside. Don and I liked to come here sometimes to kill time, it had retro vibes. While the pizzeria was white splashed with red table tops the adjoining arcade was dark with dim lighting. It had the 80s theme going on along with more modern games.

"Any specific kind you'd like ?" Don asked to which Sam just shrugged.

She really did just go with the flow.

As Don walked up to the counter to order, Sam and I stood together. Her eyes where looking all around, looking at everything but me.

I took that moment to really look at her. She barely reached my shoulder, and her hair had grown nicely giving her a pixie look. She was absolutely stunning. With skin so soft, and lips so pink, that she was currently biting down on, a habit I noticed she did when she was nervous.

Did I make her nervous ? I wondered. I must if she was so tense around me. Was it my Alpha aura? I knew it could be especially intimidating to humans and it had yet to go into full affect until I was passed down the title.

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