Chapter 16 | Chris

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"Hey man, slow down!" Don panted, jogging up to me. Without a word I walked up to my jeep, jumping in and slamming the door behind me.

Don had just enough time to close his door before I was speeding out of the parking lot. My hands tightened dangerously on the steering wheel, fearing momentarily that I would snap it in two.

Don must have been thinking the same thing when he said, "You trying to break that thing?"

Forcing myself to take a calming breath, I loosened my grip and slowed down. It would be just my luck to get pulled over and get a ticket right now.

Silence filled the air as I headed towards my house, grateful that Don knew me enough to let me stew in my thoughts.

"I mindlinked Mackenzie to talk to Sam." Don said minutes later breaking the silence. Just hearing her name had my grip tightening once more.

All I could see was her face when I stopped her from leaving. It was so full of disgust.

It wasn't long before I was pulling into my driveway, Don insisting on staying with me.

His funeral.

I was just itching to start a fight and let out all the pent up anger of the past few days. I'd discovered that Sam was indeed my Mate and she'd been avoiding me for the past few days .

"Everything okay hun, aren't you supposed to be in class ?" My mother asked coming around the corner as I barged in, Don following close behind.

I didn't have time to answer before my father came down the hallway. "I was just about to call you, Xavier's on his way over."

     Moments later a blacked out SUV parked out front.

My mother opened the door as Xavier bowed his head to her before entering. "Luna, Alpha."

"Nice to see you Xavier." My mother closed the door, a welcoming smile on her face "Would you like anything to drink, I can bring it into the study while you talk."

"That would be much appreciated hun." My father gestured for us to proceed to the study.

Xavier outstretched his hand in greeting to Don and I as we sat down, I was too revved up to sit.

    My father sat behind his desk clasping his hands together.

"What have you found, Xavier?" I asked as I leaned against the wall, finding the cool of the wall slightly calmed my frazzled nerves. 

It had been weeks since I had heard from Xavier so I had begun losing hope. Xavier was a private investigator and a valuable member of our pack. Standing at six feet tall, built like a tank and hard features, he was intimidating.

His steely grey eyes focused on me. "I have the information that you requested . "

Xavier pulled out a couple files from his briefcase, handing one to me and to my father. I lowered it so Don was able to see. The first page was a picture of Sam in her uniform from work. Her hair was cropped so I knew it was recent.

    "I have been running surveillance on Mrs. Wolfe and those around her for a couple weeks. Most of her schedule revolves around school and work. " Xavier began, as my eyes scanned the contents of the page. It was a copy of a birth certificate, social security card and more "Samantha Wolfe. Born June 5, 1996. Mother not listed on birth certificate, father, Jack Wolfe"

The following pages  contained records of Samantha's school records, financial records and even child services records. Xavier had been very thorough.

    "Child protective services has been called on Mr. Wolfe a handful of times all pertaining to child abuse however, the cases were dismissed due to lack of evidence." The pages crinkled under my tightening grip as I read the transcripts of what Sam had explained to the social workers.

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