Chapter 15 | Sam

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You and I are one, Little one.

The words replayed in my mind on a loop since I'd heard them.

Something in me felt different, or maybe I was just imagining things. Going crazy after so many hits to the head.

After all, the words had come from a beautiful white wolf in my dream as I was laid up in bed.

I must be going crazy, I thought, shaking my head as I made my way to school. Yet my mind couldn't help but wander to that vivid dream yesterday.

I'd been in and out of consciousness, the pain of my healing ribs too much to bear. This had not been my first rodeo so I knew skipping school and work was the way to go.

I still remember the smell of nature around me, the familiar clearing with a missing woman and little boy.

This was a different dream, one I'd never had before.

The clearing was filled with beautiful flowers covering every inch of ground. The sounds of birds chirping resonated around me, the slight trickle of water from a creek nearby.

It was peaceful and I closed my eyes wanting to bask in the sunlight. Yet no sooner had I closed my eyes that the silence was disturbed by the snapping of a stick nearby.

My eyes zeroed in on a figure slowly creeping in from the shadows. A beautiful wolf with the fluffiest snow white fur came into view. Something in me told me not to be alarmed, that it would not hurt me.

"You're right not to be concerned, " I startled as a feminine voice filled my head "I wont hurt you."

I sat, rooted in place as she crept closer. Her movement so graceful as if she had no care in the world.

Had she spoken to me telepathically?  There's no way.

"I did." She replied as she sat on her hunches right in front of me. Now up close I could see that her fur seemed to shimmer, and her eyes where almost human like with how deeply they seemed to stare within my soul "It's called a mindlink. You and I are connected which is how I am able to communicate with you in this manner."

"Connected ?" I asked, trying to wrap my mind around what she was saying. That I was having a full blown conversation with a wolf.

Her eyes seemed to soften. "Yes, connected. I've been trying to find a way to communicate with you all these years. But there was always a wall up."

"If that's the case then what allowed you to communicate with me now ?" I watched a ghost of a smile flutter across her face.

"I don't know if you've realized but you are not as guarded as before." She stood up, walking lazily around me. I followed her movements contemplating what she was saying as she continued " I suppose it's the company you're keeping now. They make you have hope, allowed for a crack in your iron walls. Allowed us to finally meet."

Although I didn't want to fully accept what she was saying I knew she was right. Chris, Kenzie and Don had brought my walls down. I was finally experiencing a somewhat normal teenage life, and hope was simmering deep within me.

"You and I are one, Little one." My eyebrows drew down in confusion. She stopped before me "There is a lot you don't know, but as one you will learn it all."

"As one ?" Bewilderment laced my words.

"Our souls are interconnected." She stepped forward her paws on my chest as she pressed down. " And it's time for you to fight."

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