a night in with teacher

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"Why can't you just admit that he's your boyfriend?" Ron asked, holding Rose in his arms. Hermione had given birth a week ago and Rose was born, the cutest baby Harry'd seen since Teddy.

"Because he's not my boyfriend." Harry said, standing up and bopping Rose's nose. He grabbed her from Ron and cradled her in his arms. He sometimes missed when Teddy was this small, but he did love hanging around Teddy now—talking and laughing with him. "She's so perfect." Harry said. Ron smiled and nodded.

"I know... I don't understand how she's mine." Ron was sweet with Rose, always in awe that he'd made another person. "And he is. You do all the boyfriend stuff with him, he spends time with you and your kid... he even goes to the store with you sometimes for Christ's sake." Ron stood up, rolling his eyes. He walked over to the kitchen and got a Coke out of the fridge.

"We don't do all the boyfriend shit." Harry said, muttering. Harry wasn't going to deny that he liked Draco... but having another relationship... it just feels wrong. It feels wrong for him and for Teddy. It was one thing for Teddy to like Draco, he's his teacher after all. "Besides, it feels too permanent for him to be my boyfriend... for Teddy's sake. It's one thing to get close to him as his student...but as my boyfriend... that's completely different."

"Is it Teddy it feels too permanent for... or Harry?" Ron said, raising his eyebrow. Harry frowned at him and rolled his eyes. "Seriously, H? How is the way you guys hang out now any different than if he were your boyfriend? I'm genuinely asking."

"It's- it just is!" Harry said. He wanted to punch himself, he sounded like a toddler.

"He's always over your place, hanging with your kid, hanging with you. The only thing that's not boyfriendly is no sex. And even then I'm not sure I believe you with that one." Harry rolled his eyes.

"It's true! We haven't even kissed... I... look, I know that... I like him, Ok? Is that what you want to hear? I like him. But... everything could crash and burn if we try to make it more... real."

"It's already real, H. You're just kidding yourself." Harry knew Ron was right, how he felt for Draco was real. He wanted to be Draco's boyfriend... but how would Teddy feel about it? It's been just him and Harry for so long. And... as much as Draco loves kids, is he ready to be in a relationship with a man and his 5 year old? Harry felt his phone vibrate.

"Speak of the devil." Harry said, seeing it was Draco who texted him.

"See what I mean? You guys can't even go 10 minutes without texting." Ron grabbed Rose from Harry's arm and put her down in her crib. Harry rolled his eyes, but smiled when he saw Draco's text.

 Harry rolled his eyes, but smiled when he saw Draco's text

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"I'm gonna head out." Harry said, grabbing his keys. "Give 'Mione a hug and kiss for me, I don't want to wake her up." Harry gave Rose a kiss on the forehead. "See you."

"Just... remember what I said." Ron said, following him to the door. "I don't want you to get hurt, H."

"I know, it's all good, Ron. Love you." Harry opened the door and left, before Ron could say anything else.

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