confusing feelings with teacher

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"Ephie, I genuinely don't understand what the issue is." Draco said, sipping on his second mimosa of the morning. She originally didn't want to tell Draco about her crush on Ginny, but as Harry has learned... Draco just figures things out.

"Yeah, you don't." She said, crossing her arms grumpily. She was on her 4th mimosa, and was perhaps a little drunk. It was only 11am... but it was a Saturday, so whatever.

"Ephs, if you just keep it bottled up and never act on your feelings you're going to feel way worse than you feel right now." Harry said, looking at Draco. Draco smiled and blushed a bit, looking down at the table.

"You guys suck right now." Ephie said after a few seconds. "You're all, 'we had sex, look at us, we did it.' Congratulations, we get it." Harry made a noise of protest but she held up her hand. She downed the rest of her drink and went to pour more, but saw that the pitcher was empty. "Harry, can we order one more pitcher?" Ephie asked with puppy dog eyes.

"No. While you were downing the fourth pitcher, I paid. I have to go pick up Teddy from mom and dad's... and unfortunately you're going to have to face them, drunk." Ephie flicked her hand upwards to indicate, whatever, and stood up from the table. She stumbled a bit and Draco grabbed her hand and helped her to the car. Harry felt warm. Obviously he felt bad for Ephie, but he and Draco had sex last night. Very good sex... very good sex. He saw how much Draco cared about his family and it just made Harry like him even more— if that was even possible. Ephie fell asleep in Harry's backseat and he and Draco were making some conversation on the way over there.

"If you want me to stay in the car while you go in, I understand. Or you can drop me off at home and I can get my car another time." Draco said, sort of looking away from Harry.

"Why would I want you to do that?" Harry asked, confused. Was Draco not on the same page as him? Did he not want something serious?

"Well, just because... I dunno. We... had sex and everything and I... with Teddy, I don't want you to feel like... like I have to spend all this time with you and him... if you... if you don't want me to."

"Draco... I like you. A lot. I didn't just like spending time with you because I wanted to fuck you. I... I have a son. A 5 year old. I... I'm not looking for something that's just... I want something that's real and I thought... I thought maybe we were on the same page." Harry's heart was beating so hard he thought for sure it would burst out of his chest. Had he just had the greatest sex of his life... with the most amazing guy he's ever met... and now he'll never be able to again?

"Harry, I-." Draco started and cut himself off. Harry felt like he was going to be sick, clearly Draco didn't feel the same way. They pulled up to his parents and Ephie woke up when they went over the bump of the driveway.

"Are we home?" Ephie asked, still seeming pretty drunk. Harry wanted nothing more than to scream into a pillow and not have to see anyone, but he nodded and hopped put of the car, avoiding eye contact with Draco as best he could. "C'mon Draco." Ephie said. "Mom and dad will be happy to see you."

"Papa!" Harry saw Teddy running towards him as he opened the door to his parents house.

"Hey Teddy Bear." Harry said, scooping him up and squeezing him tightly. He missed Teddy so much whenever he was away from him, but he especially needed a Teddy hug because he felt like crying.

"Draco!" Teddy said, while Harry was still holding onto him tightly. "Papa... ouch." Teddy said, sounding a tad strained.

"Sorry, bubs." He said, putting him down. He went over to see Draco and he got on Teddy's level and was talking with him. Harry's heart was slowly breaking as he watched the scene. How could he have been so wrong about everything? Before Ephie woke up in the car, Draco was obviously about to reject him... he felt like an idiot.

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