game night with teacher

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Most of the guests had arrived already, they were still waiting on Draco's friends and Luna, Neville couldn't make it. Harry felt very happy, having all these people over. He wanted a big family, he hoped one day he could give Teddy some siblings so their house wasn't just the two of them.

"H, you really thrive as a host." Ephie said, sitting down on the couch with a glass of wine.

"He truly does." Dean responded, he was sitting on a big comfy chair next to the T.V. "Plus he always has the best snacks." The group laughed and Harry smiled.

"I just want everyone to be happy." He said, taking a drink. He'd made himself whiskey neat, his go-to.

"Well, you make everyone happy. Mission accomplished." Draco said, and that made Harry feel even better than anyone else saying it. Draco had asked for a vodka cranberry tonight, which wasn't what he usually drank but he said he was feeling up for something different.

There was a knock on the door and Harry got up to answer it. There were two people on the other side. One, a black man who was very handsome. He had dark hair and a strong jawline, dressed in black pants with a navy sweater and the second was a white woman who was very short comparatively. She was stunning— bright blue eyes and black hair, wearing a cropped top with jeans. Their arms were linked by their elbows.

"Harry?" The girl asked, smiling. Her resting face was very intense, but her smile made her look much more approachable.

"Yes! Pansy? Blaise?" They both nodded and smiled. "Come on in!" Harry said, stepping out of the way. They followed Harry to the living room where everyone was.

"Hey pretty boy." Blaise said, patting the top of Draco's head. Harry looked at him a bit curiously... Blaise was very attractive... and he really hoped that Draco wasn't into him or anything because there's no way that Harry stood a chance compared to Blaise.

"Hey." Draco said, smiling at both of them.

"Pansy, Blaise, would you two like something to drink?" Harry asked.

"I'll have what Draco's drinking, a vodka cranberry yeah, babe? That's usually my go-to." Draco smiled and took another drink and Harry nodded, grinning. Harry loved seeing Draco look so comfortable on his couch.

"Perfect. Blaise?" Harry asked. Blaise thought for a few moments.

"I'll come with you, see what you've got." Harry nodded and Blaise followed him into the kitchen. There wasn't a door between his living room and the kitchen, but it was a different room and so it was divided. Harry showed Blaise where the liquors were on his counter by the fridge.

"We've got pretty much anything." Harry said. "Plus some lager in the fridge."

"I'll do a gin and tonic, that Ok?" Blaise said. His voice was smooth and Harry really hoped he wasn't interested in Draco... he prayed silently.

"That's perfect." Harry was impressed with himself that he sounded so normal. He was totally freaking out just a bit about Blaise. The thing is that Draco told Harry that Blaise was bisexual and that Pansy was a lesbian. They met in school and they were the only kids who were out at a younger age so they bonded. So Harry knew that Blaise was into men and that's why there was a slight jealously burning in his heart. He didn't want to be jealous because he wanted to like Blaise, he was one of Draco's best friends. So he was trying his best to push those stupid feelings down.

"Draco didn't exaggerate." Blaise said, while Harry was pouring his drink for him.

"Sorry?" Harry said, raising his eyebrows with a smile. "Exaggerate what?" Blaise grinned, one step away from from a smirk.

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