9 years later with teacher

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"Theodore, let's go!" Harry called for about the 15th time. "That boy is going to be the death of me, I swear to god." He felt Draco come up behind him, rubbing his shoulders.

"He's a teenager, babe. This is what we have to deal with for about 5 more years." Harry chuckled and turned around, pulling Draco into him and kissing him.

"Gross." Teddy said, walking into the kitchen. "Get a room." But he was smiling. As much as he tried to pretend he was a cool teenager now, he still was a sweet kid.

"We're late. Where is your brother and sister?" Teddy shrugged and plopped himself down on the couch, pulling out his cellphone.

"Cissa! Rem! Let's go! Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione wanted us there early!" He walked into the twins bedroom and smiled at the scene he saw. Cissa was helping Remus tie his shoes.

"Well aren't you a nice helper?" Harry asked, crouching down to help her.

"I tried to Papa! Remus said he didn't know how to and I remember a little bit." Harry laughed and finished up tying Remus' shoe. He remembered when the twins were born, 5 years seemed like such a long time and then at the same time— about a thousand years ago.

"Alrighty, shoes are tied, clothes are on. Let's get going, we've gotta go to Rosie's party." The twins excitedly ran out of their room and Harry followed.

"Daddy can I carry the present?" Remus asked with puppy dog eyes.

"No fair! I want to!" Draco and Harry laughed, obviously planning for this moment. They had no idea why but it was always a fight on who got to carry the present in. Luckily since Rose was turning 10 they thought it would be nice to get her a few ones, so they had three gifts to carry.

"Don't worry, you're both going to get to carry one! C'mon let's go, let's go!" Draco said, rounding the troops— and then they were off.

They still got to the party early, Hermione and Ron wanted the family to be there first, get some one on one time with Rose. Harry couldn't believe that Rose was already 10, but then looking at Teddy, he couldn't believe he was 16.

"The rest of the family, finally!" Ron said, smiling as they all walked in.

"Hey Ron, sorry." Draco said, with one of the gifts in his hand. "We had trouble gathering the kiddos." Draco knocked Teddy with his elbow who just rolled his eyes, smiling.

"I'm not a kid, Pops." Draco smiled back. They walked in and put the presents down with the rest of the already impressive pile and joined their family in the living room.

"Grammy, Grampa!" Narcissa shouted, running over to James and Lily who had their arms outstretched.

"Oh, there's my babies! I missed you." Lily said, grabbing them both and plopping them on her lap.

"We're not babies anymore, Grammy. We're big kids." Remus said, holding up 5 fingers. Lily laughed and James tussled his hair.

"That's right, of course." James said, grabbing Remus and throwing him over his shoulder, both of them giggling like crazy. Harry got an intense sense of déjà vu while watching them, James used to do the same thing with Teddy when he was Remus' age. He couldn't believe how fast time was going. He had everything he ever wanted, and he just wanted it to all slow down just for a bit. Somehow, his babies were already 5 and Teddy had his driver's license...

"What's that face for?" Ephie said, walking up to him.

"Just feeling old." Ephie laughed and nodded.

"Yeah... can't believe Rose is 10. Can't believe your kids aren't babies anymore." Harry agreed and felt a bit like crying, even though it wasn't necessarily sadness he was feeling... just something he couldn't put his finger on.

"I know... Teddy's driving and the twins are in preschool. It all feels like it's going by too fast."

"Yeah, but you've been blessed." Harry smiled. He had been. "You've got this amazing family, an amazing husband... don't worry too much about it going by too fast and just enjoy the ride, yeah?" Ephie was completely right.

"Aren't I supposed to be the big brother?" Ephie laughed and shrugged.

"Hey, we're in this together."

"How's Ginny feeling?"

"She's good. Definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore. But she's a trooper."

"I'm happy for you Ephs." She smiled and gave him a half hug. Harry made his way over to Rose, who was playing with her siblings and little cousins. Teddy was standing right behind her, smiling. He knew Teddy loved these kids more than he'd ever admit. The rest of the guests started arriving and They were making pleasant conversation, they watched Rose open her gifts, they cut the cake.

While Harry was grabbing a piece of the cake with Draco, Teddy came up behind him.

"Papa, can I talk to you about something?" Harry raised his eyebrows in question but nodded, and looked to Draco with a shrug. He and Teddy walked outside, it was a bit chilly but Harry didn't mind.

"You Ok, Teds? What's up?" Teddy took a deep breath and then looked Harry in the eyes.

"I... I wanted to say something and I want you to completely let me finish before you answer, Ok?" Harry felt a bit nervous but nodded for Teddy to continue. "Ok. So, I'm 16 and... I know I'm nowhere near an adult or anything, Ok, I know that. But I feel like I know what's best for me... like right now in this moment. And..." Harry couldn't tell where this was going, but he trusted Teddy and kept nodding to see where he'd take this.

"I just... the twins are Potters, and Draco's a Potter and... you're a Potter and then I'm a Lupin. And I know you loved my birth dad... and I know he was important to you... but I didn't know him. I know you. You're my dad and I know I'm apart of the family but I just... I want to change my name. To Teddy Remus Lupin... Potter." Harry said nothing for a moment, just taking in what Teddy had said. He felt tears welling in his eyes. He pulled him into a tight hug.

"Nothing would make me happier, Teddy." He pulled away, and Teddy had tears in his eyes too. "I... when I legally adopted you I was so scared. I mean, I was 19 and I didn't know what to do or say... I was totally lost. But it gave my life meaning, purpose. You saved me... when Remus died... I, it was horrible for everyone. And no one thought I could raise you— not even Grammy and Grampa. But I took one look at you after Remus' funeral... and I knew I had to." They hugged again and Draco walked out, looking concerned.

"Everything Ok, boys?" He asked. Harry pulled away, still an arm around Teddy and smiled.

"Everything's perfect. I've got you. I've got Teddy, I've got the twins. How does one man get everything he's ever wanted?" Draco smiled and grabbed his hand.

"I guess some people are just lucky like that. I know I am."

"I guess some people don't know that you just have to fall in love with your son's teacher." Teddy and Draco both laughed and Harry's unknown feeling drifted away. Maybe time was going by fast, but isn't that what they say, that time flies when you're having fun? Harry must be having the time of his life. In fact, he knows he is.

The End.

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