2 | The Terrible News

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

Hermione wiped her sweaty palms on her trousers. She didn't think she had been this nervous in her life, and that included taking her N.E.W.T. exams. Her heart was pounding, and her stomach hadn't truly settled since she'd received the letter. She wished she could blame it all on the morning sickness, but her increasing anxiety about her upcoming appointment wasn't helping matters. The last two days had been a nightmare. She spent the majority of her waking hours playing out terrible scenarios. This resulted in her tossing and turning when she should have been sleeping, and she now had huge black bags under her eyes and unruly hair to testify to it.

She pushed the clinic door open and was immediately greeted by the smiling receptionist. Hermione couldn't help looking towards the pin board of smiling babies. What if this news was some awful genetic disease that saw her having to terminate her pregnancy? What if there was a complication that meant she couldn't have any more children? Hermione felt clawing despair at this thought.

Instead of waiting in the reception area today, she was escorted straight to the Director's office, which only added to her nervousness. However, she supposed this was protocol with any incident this grave.

"Mademoiselle Granger," a tall Germanic man said, coming across the room to shake her hand.

"Mr. De Braun," Hermione replied.

"Please, call me Sebastian," he smiled.

Hermione smiled and offered the same courtesy. She sat in the chair opposite Sebastian's rather impressive desk and rubbed her stomach. It had become quite a habit recently.

"Hermione, I do apologise for having to bring you back to the clinic after your treatment was so successful," Sebastian started.

"I hope you'll forgive my rudeness, but as you can imagine, I'm pretty anxious. Would you mind cutting to the chase and telling me what happened?" she asked honestly.

Sebastian looked a little taken aback. He probably had a whole spiel prepared. "Yes, of course, I understand this must be very nerve wracking for you."

Hermione smiled and nodded her head encouragingly. "Unfortunately there was a mix-up in the laboratory with our sperm samples. It seems that the sperm you chose from your particular donor was mixed up with another client," Sebastian explained.

Her initial reaction was overwhelming relief. This was something she could deal with. So her ideal sperm donor wasn't the father of her child. It wasn't as if they had any undesirables on their books. Every sperm donor was rigorously checked and vetted. Maybe the father was sporty rather than academic. That wasn't so terrible. Her child would have a chance of at least being able to fly a broom competently.

"Is it possible to see the file of the donor whose sperm I now have?" she asked, surprised with how remarkably calm she sounded. The writhing snakes were still present in her stomach, but she was feeling a great deal more positive than she had during the past few days.

Sebastian looked a little uncomfortable. "Well, I'm sorry to say, but this is where it starts to get a little complicated, Hermione."

"What do you mean?" she asked wondering how much more complicated this could possibly get.

"It's that the sperm that was mixed up with your intended sample wasn't from a sperm donor but a potential father - a father who very much wants to be part of his child's life."

Her head spun. She couldn't cope with this right now. "But I specifically decided on sperm donation because I don't want the biological father playing any part in my child's life."

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