8 | Games

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

Draco, unaware of the momentous changes happening back at Malfoy Manor, was sitting in the Puceys' front room waiting for both Pansy and Adrian to get their acts together.

"Honey, have you seen my shin guards?" Adrian called out from somewhere upstairs.

"They're where you left them after your last game," Pans called back.

"And where is that?"

"I don't know! You left them there. Have you tried the cupboard by Alex's bedroom?"

"Pans, please help! I can't find them anywhere and we were meant to be there ten minutes ago."

"For the love of Salazar!" she yelled and Draco could hear her stomping back upstairs.

He waited thirty seconds before the next inevitable conversation.

"How come it took me less than a minute to find them? Why didn't you bother to look properly? Or use Accio?"

"Really? Where were they?"

"Exactly where I told you to look: in the cupboard where you keep all your Quidditch gear."

"But I'm sure I looked there."

"You couldn't have looked very hard."

Draco grinned. It was always the same thing between the couple every time he saw them. They would bicker incessantly but the love they had for each other was unbreakable. His smile faded as he thought about his situation at home. He wished he had such a relationship, but unfortunately, the chasm between him and his wife was too wide. Sadly, he'd come to terms with the fact that Astoria was totally self-absorbed and was only interested as long as it was of benefit to her.

"Draco! You're here!" Pansy exclaimed as she walked into the room. "When did you arrive?"

"Not long ago, and don't worry; Sippy welcomed me but I told her not to bother you," he said, knowing how stressed Pansy got if she thought someone wasn't welcomed appropriately to her home.

Pansy nodded at him. "I'm pleased you came. I wasn't sure if you would."

"I wouldn't dare after your threats the other day."

"I did not threaten you," she said, whacking him on the arm.

Draco saw Adrian coming into room behind Pansy. "Hey, Adrian, control your wife. She's beating me."

"If it gets to you to actually emerge from the Manor and stop being anti-social, then I'm all for it."

The blond rolled his eyes. "And you're too scared of your wife to say anything."

Adrian pretended not to hear this. "Anyway, we were meant to meet Potter ten minutes ago, so we'd better get going."

"Hang on a minute, no one said we were playing against Potter," Draco objected.

His friends just ignored him and strong-armed him over to the Floo Network. "You're kidding me, right? I'm not playing against him."

"Tough, Draco, I need a Seeker and you're here now."

He groaned. He hadn't played Quidditch for years and he was now going up against the one player whom he could never beat. Things didn't get worse than this.

Of course, Draco was wrong and he realised it the minute he stepped into the main bar of the Wonky Cauldron and spotted Granger. He should've realised she'd be there. She always did appear at every match Potter played despite having a dislike of the sport.

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