15 | Food for Thought

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

Pansy couldn't help the amused laugh that escaped as she took in Granger's amazed expression. She proceeded to order a cup of coffee for herself and a hot chocolate for the pregnant witch.

"It's not that surprising, Granger. Times change and people change with them."

"I guess. It's still weird to think that you carry Muggle money around with you and interact so easily outside the wizarding world now."

"It was anything but easy to begin with. But when you have your every action being scrutinised, it's amazing how quickly you adapt to the new ways."

"It's good to know that there have been changes."

"More than you are probably aware of. It's hard to cling to the old ways when they have been defeated so comprehensively, and when you've been exposed to how flawed they were in the first place."

"So you don't think blood purity is so important anymore?"

"Yes and no. I'm proud to be a pureblood." Pansy could see that Hermione was antsy with that statement. "Hang on, let me explain before you start to jump down my throat. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage or of the fact that you come from a long line of witches and wizards. The problem comes when you start to try to dictate who is allowed access to magic and who isn't. Or claim that pureblood lines have to remain pure."

"I think I have a problem with the terminology, too. What exactly is 'pure' and how come I'm excluded from being so?"

Pansy shrugged. "You can't win them all. It's how we've been described for centuries. But yes, you have a point. But you try getting a new name to stick. I bet even your Weasley friends call themselves purebloods and describe others as Muggle-born or half-blood, whether they mean it in a good way or not."

From the look on Granger's face, Pansy knew she was right.

"But I really didn't ask for your company to discuss the rights or wrongs of labelling."

The bushy haired witch cracked a smile. "What did you want to talk about?"


"What about him?"

"I wanted to ask you to go easy on him. He's having a hard time of it at the moment."

Granger snorted.

"Okay, maybe not as hard a time as you in the press. But things aren't easy for him. Astoria decided to create a scandal at the worst possible time."

"Are you alluding to Lucius and his mystery illness?"

Pansy was surprised. With how closed-mouthed Draco was, despite his recent confidences, she really didn't think he would've told Granger about his father's illness. It cut close to the bone and the things that affected him the most were the ones he kept closest to the chest.

"It appears it my turn to surprise you," Granger said. "Lucius wanted to meet with me after the scandal broke. I could tell that all wasn't well with him and taxed Malfoy about it."

"And he told you?"

"He didn't have much choice, considering we'd just made a pact to be more honest with each other. I didn't appreciate finding out about his marital problems from Bulstrode or that he'd divorced after his ex-wife decided to be a vindictive cow and publish lies about me in the media."

Pansy snorted. This was why she was fast coming to the conclusion that Hermione Granger would suit Draco perfectly. She'd managed in one conversation to do what Pansy had never managed to do in a friendship that spanned a lifetime.

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