5 | Appointments & Meetings

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Disclaimer: I do not own this, nor am I profiting off the display of this story in any way.

That morning was Hermione's first appointment with the midwife and the anticipation was killing her. She was practically bouncing around in her seat as she waited to be called through. The pregnancy was feeling so much more realistic now. So far, it had consisted of crippling nausea and the crushing reality that she was carrying a baby that shared DNA with Draco Malfoy. Oh, and crying – lots and lots of bouts of crying.

"Will you sit still?" Ginny admonished her.

"I can't. I'm so excited."

"I can tell! It really isn't that thrilling, you know."

"Oh, hush! It isn't for you because this is your third time. I remember how excited you got with every little appointment with James," Hermione pointed out.

Ginny smiled fondly. "I remember."

Hermione was booked in at the clinic at St. Mungo's. It was housed in a little annexe around the back, away from the hustle and bustle of the main hospital.

"I hope the midwife is nice," Hermione whispered.

"I'm sure she will be."

Hermione checked the clock for what felt like the twentieth time and huffed as it hadn't moved the necessary ten minutes until her appointment time. She picked up a magazine and started flicking through it rapidly.

Ginny's hand descended and stopped the frantic page turning. "Calm down."

"I can't. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never been this nervous before." She turned to face Ginny, alarmed. "What if they tell me something's wrong with the baby? I mean, seriously, how can the mixing of my DNA with Malfoy's be normal?"

"Hermione, they aren't going to do any tests today. It's too early to hear the baby's heartbeat and you don't have a scan until twelve weeks in. Besides, I'm sure the baby is perfectly healthy."

She started to wring her hands. "I know that. I'm just so nervous."

Ginny smiled at her. "I can tell!"

"Ms. Granger? The midwife will see you now," the receptionist called across the waiting room.

Hermione took several deep breaths before she stood up. "Wish me luck," she said to Ginny.

"You won't need it," the redhead replied.

"It's Room 4," the receptionist informed Hermione as she walked past.

She nodded her thanks and walked through the doors. The corridor seemed to go on forever. She really wasn't one to be so nervous, but nothing about this pregnancy was going right so far.

She knocked on the door of Room 4 and a deep voiced called, "Come in."

Hermione hesitated for a brief minute, taking a couple of deep breaths and rubbing her clammy hands down her trousers, before opening the door. She stood stock-still for a moment as sitting across the room was Millicent Bulstrode, looking as masculine as she had at Hogwarts.

"Ms. Granger, please come in and take a seat," Bulstrode said, as if she hadn't gone to school with — and bullied — Hermione.

She moved to the indicated seat on shaking legs. Why did she live in the St. Mungo's catchment area? Why hadn't she taken that little cottage down the road from Harry and Ginny's in Godric's Hollow? Then she would be under a completely different clinic.

Bulstrode put a meaty hand out to Hermione. "I'm Millicent Bulstrode and I'll be your community midwife. The majority of your appointments will be with me."

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