Part 5

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Waking up wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. Watching my sister and old enemy flirting takes the cake of disgust. Sitting up and holding in a groan for how sore my body is was difficult enough. Standing, surprised I didn't hiss in pain.

Every muscle and bone aches and screams to lay back down. My energy though feels rejuvenated that I can fly on a broom the whole day and not get tired. I grimace at the cheesy pick up lines Draco is using on my sister.

"Can you please not make out in front of me please?" I beg earning their attention.

"Harry, my god, sit down before you drop and break something." the motherly tone wasn't expected from my sister.

sitting down with my sister at my side feels nice. Her touching my arm sends me to purr in pleasure. Why did i do that? God, her sweet scent can make me want to lie by her side forever.

"Harry you are in your inheritance." Draco doesn't sit in the chairs but sits right by my feet. He loosk cozy down there.

"That means what and why is it that you smell amazing?" I ask my sister gazng into her gorgeous features.

"I am your mate Harry." Did I faint and am dreaming this? How can my mate be my sister? That is wrong in many ways but then if there were any female I would rather have as a mate, it would be her.

"It is a shock, I know that mate when your sister told me about it too." Draco seems to be on the same boat as me.

"Great, i guess. I feel taller and stronger." I state confused of all the right feelings my body is experiencing. It is like i was reborn properly, any pain or weight on my body is gone.

"That is a mix of you being half veela and also dropping the glamour on you." I narrow my eyes at my sister and mate.


"Right you don't know. Well, since you both are awake best I explain." Draco and I nod and face our mate. Our mate? Sounds right and wrong at the same time.

"Glamour is almost like an invisibility cloak held over one's body to hide certain looks. Like how Harry was always short when our father and mother were tall. Or how we always felt a weight on our shoulders even when we are completely relaxed. That is the glamour. It depends also on the strength of the magic from the wizard that cast the glamour onto the person. And I am telling you this now truthfully Harry, it is Dumbledore and the minister who has placed a glamour on us." I raise my neck and feel it crack from the bent position it held.

"Dumbledore? But he..."

"I know it is hard to believe but I searched our records and once I learned powerful occlumency and legilimency, I found out a lot within Dumbledore and the minister's mind. the glamour can be on an object worn around someone's neck or it can be used with the disillusions charm. The charm can make the target change appearance and depend on the strength of magic can be held for a long time." Lilian told us.

"My father spoke about some wizards doing that to themselves but for a wizard to do so onto another...that is pretty dark stuff." Draco comments.

"Then how is it that the charm dropped now?" I ask.

"Because of your Veela inheritance. By Veela law, no magic upon a Veela or half Veela will work anymore once they get into their inheritance. Same with the mate like me. I only am able to drop the glamour placed on me because Draco found me as his mate early and when I left to my secret location. Sirius informed me more about the whole Veela and glamour thing." I nod and silence falls upon the three of us.

"Lucius and Severus wish to enter the common room," Salazar informs us.

"Harry head into my room to hide," Draco tells me, the three of us getting up in alert for no reason.

Veela Ties (Harry Potter x OC x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now