17 - James | The senior demon

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'Cookies, James? Damn it!'

Danyel accosted me as soon as I stepped out of Andrew's house. He was in his invisible form but I could see him clear as day. His glowing horns had grown tall enough to cast a shadow over me. His eyes were sparkling crimson in barely contained rage.

'Were you spying on me?' I demanded, instantly feeling defensive.

'No, I was tracking your magic usage in case you ran out and needed some assistance,' he spat out, 'But I didn't expect you to waste it-'

He gritted his teeth as a burst of flames flared through his nostrils. His horns grew another inch as he tried to control his fiery breath long enough to finish admonishing me.

'You don't need to track me,' I snapped back, 'You know I'm responsible enough to-'

'Responsible? Hell! You call that responsible, what you just did?! Satan's going to have my head for this. He told me you couldn't be trusted....'

'What? Why the hell not?' I demanded, feeling my own horns threatening to burst out, 'I've followed every rule and protocol; done everything you've asked of me. I didn't even question you when you assigned me only one human, after I graduated top of the class! Don't you think that deserves some kind of explanation?'

A flicker of something resembling guilt passed over Danyel's face. If he weren't who he was and I were less of a skeptic; I would've almost believed his regret wasn't just a trick of the light. His smoky breath lowered to a humid mist as his eyes turned from scarlet to pitch-black.

'I am aware that your situation is unique to a demon of your station, but I cannot offer you an explanation as to why it is so,' he replied stiffly. 'You have, however, no right to ask for it now that you've proven us correct on our doubts about your capabilities'

I sucked in a breath as his words sank in. He was right and we both knew it. There was a fine line between manipulative kindness and genuine kindness, and I feared I had fallen onto the wrong side.

How could this have happened to me? Demons far less powerful had no trouble correctly discerning the two. It was one of the most basic lessons you're taught since birth—how to draw a line between your actions or your intent.

Had I really kidded myself into thinking that all those times I've been kind, I've actually been having an evil plan all along? What plan? I couldn't even admit to myself that my mind had been devoid of any kind of scheme.

'You know the goodness you committed is more than enough to get you unassigned.'

My head snapped up at the words. A wave of dread washed over me and clutched coldly at my non-existent heart. I'd do anything not to go back a failure; I'd beg if I had to. I opened my mouth to do just that, but Danyel held up a hand to stop me from ruining my case even further.

'I have not informed Satan of your transgression; not out of any kindness to you, but because I cannot bear to hear him goading it over me.'

He glared at me as if challenging me to dare ask any questions as to why Satan even knew of my existence. There was a complicated hierarchy in place and I was obviously much lower down the ladder than the Lord of Darkness himself.

'I have a simple task for you,' he continued, 'Which if you complete, you may put this all behind you and we will file it under forgotten.'

I held my breath, not daring to hope. I'd do absolutely anything he asked of me. Anything not to have to go back to the literal hell-hole.

Danyel wordlessly handed me a small package containing what seemed to be some sort of crumbled up green herbs. I blinked for a moment as realization sunk in, and I sharply inhaled the strong scent of addiction that laced it.

'You want me to drug him!?' I asked incredulously.

'Does that go against your moral code?' Danyel demanded, his tone challenging. He moved closer till his face right up against mine, 'Have you, as of yet, gotten him to partake in any of the seven deadly sins?'

I hung my head in shame. The sins were, in order: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and slothfulness. And I hadn't started to make headway in a single one of them.

I belatedly realized that I had, in fact, been on my way to pick up his homework, thereby ruining slothfulness as well. Some kind of demon I was.

Even the blasted angel was doing a better job than me.

'Marijuana technically doesn't fall under gluttony, but it will suffice for now,' Danyel grated out patiently, 'I fully expect you to work your way up from here to stronger substances.'

I glared at him and pocketed the packet. I can't even imagine how I would go about inciting wrath in him; even pride or envy for that matter. Maybe the third sin—

Danyel froze suddenly and stared past my shoulder. I turned and looked to where his gaze had focused.

Making her way towards us was a very angry angel.

Y'all I don't think James is gonna go fetch his homework now... Andrew cleaned his room for nothing xP

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