22 - James | But think about the potassium

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'Have you ever tried chewing on the peel?' the angel inquired.

'Why would I do that?' Andrew asked, flabbergasted as he looked down at his banana.

'It looks yummy.'

'No it doesn't.'

'No I think you should try it.' She leaned towards him eagerly. 'I bet it had loads of fibre; it's good for you.'

'I think I'll pass.'

'No, do it! Eat it. Eat the peel.'

She's got to be probably the worst angel ever. I'll admit I haven't met any other angels, but I'm positive they can't all be this evil.

Marie was jabbing at her finger at him now and chanting 'Eat it, eat it,' while rhythmically pounding her fist on the table.

It's not even evil. It's just annoying and I'm sick of her.

'But think about the POTASSIUM, Andrew!' She slammed her palms flat on the table, half-rising from her seat. 'How could you pass up on such an opportunity?!'

Andrew shrugged, a soft smile playing on his lips as he glanced over at me.

'I'll let you have it, Marie, if you care about your potassium intake that much,' he suggested.

'Ahh I- no, no. I couldn't possibly take that away from you,' she quickly amended, crossing her arms in front of her face and shaking her head in an act of great sacrifice.

'I really, really don't mind.' He grinned.

'No, I simply couldn't—'

'No, you could.' He leaned towards her, maintaining steady eye contact as he offered up the challenge.

For a fleeting moment, the angel was speechless—and the world was at peace.

'Oh. How the turntables...' Andrew whispered under his breath.

That's actually hilarious. I couldn't help but chuckle at her self-brought plight, but when Andrew turned to grin at me his smile lit up the room.

The angel looked utterly defeated. Her wings drooped and her mouth hung open, trying to find the words that would save her.

'I don't think the banana taste matches the donut taste,' she mumbled, grasping at straws.

'No, no, bananas and chocolate go perfectly together,' Andrew assured, 'You know I'm right.'

'But I- I have a whole box full of donuts! And I have to eat every single one, since no one else wanted them.' She looked at me pointedly. 'I'll be much too full to eat the peel after this.' She took a deep breath and started finishing the box of donuts.

'I'll excuse you just this once,' he finally agreed, a sweet smile spreading across his face.

I watched the angel trying to fit a whole donut into her mouth. There was so much chocolate smeared on her face by now that she looked like she had waded through mud. She grinned at me and her teeth were caked in brown.

My thought drifted to Danyel and our meeting the day before. I didn't like the way Danyel had looked at her. It was weird to realize that I felt somehow protective towards this angel; I couldn't deny it.

I suppose she's somewhat pretty, if you can look past her personality. Her hair looks like she chopped it off herself, but her face probably surpasses the various random beauty standards that humans have set for themselves.

She has a pointy chin and sharp cheekbones—similar to mine in shape but a bit less angular. Her nose was currently covered in chocolate so it wasn't visible. If I remember correctly, it was quite long and straight like my own.

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