24 - Andrew | Bunny riding a skateboard

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Ding dong.

Crap, he's early.

I yanked open my cupboard door to force the last bit of laundry into the already packed shelves. They denied my request, the mountains of trash losing balance and falling all over me instead.

And that's how James found me—laying dazed on the floor with weeks worth of laundry piled in a stinky heap over my frame.

'Ah, I see you are....' James paused briefly, assessing the situation. 'Cleaning,' he finished, his voice lilting up at the end so that it was almost a question. His lips quirked up in what was nearly a smile, but I wondered if he was just trying hard not to grimace.

'I'm- er, yes,' I replied lamely, 'But the mess seems to have overwhelmed me.'

He grinned and pulled a pair of trousers off my curls, tossing them to a corner and then reaching to help me up. His hand felt warm as his fingers wrapped around mine. Or rather... quite hot actually. Like fire. Like I was burning.

Not completely in a... bad way. The whole room felt hot all of a sudden. I coughed as I dropped his hand, turning away to discreetly kick the mess under my bed.

'I run hot, naturally,' he said quickly, seeming to have sensed my discomfort.

'That's okay, it was just unexpected,' I mumbled. I wasn't really not comfortable. 'Everything else here is really cold so... it's nice.' I paused. 'You're like a heating pack.'

'I guess...you could use me as a hea- where's the spiderweb?' he asked suddenly, interrupting himself, 'Did you clean it?'

'Yes, I found the spider and put it outside before you came,' I said reassuringly. It hadn't been too hard to find. It was a cute furry one but I swept away the web too. James seemed a bit freaked out by it, the last time he was here.

'Your laundry's on the floor but you took the trouble to remove a web from the ceiling?'

'I didn't want you to see it and feel worried the spider may still be lurking around,' I explained, 'It's in the park across the street now though.'

'Why is it all the way across the street?' he asked, sounding amazed.

'Because- you'd have to come to the front door through our garden,' I started, 'And you might want to go out later—to practice bike riding, maybe?'

'Oh no, I am never again getting on that metal death trap.' He shuddered and then smiled suddenly. 'Thank you.'

'Oh, um yeah, no- of course, anytime, you're welcome,' I stumbled, heat rising to my cheeks at his intense gaze. It was filled with genuine gratitude.

'Anyway, since the webs are gone, do you see the bunny on the skateboard now?' I asked, successfully shattering the moment. Clumsily, I pushed him on to the bed so that he could look up at the ceiling.

James sat up halfway to look at me, shifting his weight to his elbows. He quirked an eyebrow suggestively. I turned even redder as I realized I had just shoved him down and was still standing over him, my hand firmly planted on his chest.

'Why don't you come point it out to me?' James murmured, his voice low.

I hesitantly sat down beside him, waving my arm half-heartedly at the ceiling. 'It's right over there...'

'Where?' he asked, his eyes fixed on my blushing face.

'You won't see it if you keep looking at ME,' I protested, embarrassing myself even further as the words left my lips.

His lips quirked up in a smile which had nothing half-hearted about it. It was the first real smile I've seen. With difficulty I tore my gaze away to look at the ceiling instead, noting with relief that he looked up as well.

'I think it looks more like The Void chewing on a leg,' James finally said, bending a knee and stretching his arms over his head.

I wrinkled my nose, bringing my head closer to stare at it from his position. 'It does rather look like The Void from here... but let's just say he's chewing on a stick.'

'He's chewing on MY leg.' James sighed.

I looked down and giggled. The Void had its little mouth open wider than I thought possible, grabbing tightly onto the shin of James' black skinny jeans.

'I almost didn't see him, he blends in with your denims.' I gently tugged him off. 'I just saw his cute little ears popping out. Who's a little cutie?' I asked, snuggling The Void against my face. It purred and rubbed against me, tickling my nose with its soft fur.

'It not cute; it's a demon kitten straight from hell.' James pulled a face, disgusted as I peppered kisses on the adorable fur-ball.

'Aw, you're cute too James,' I teased, the words slipping out of me without thinking. James didn't seem to hear me, still glaring daggers at the kitten I held. Cute daggers.

'Perhaps I'm straight from hell too,' he replied, his gaze softening as it shifted to me. Perhaps he had heard me.

'I could never believe that.'

James sighed, rubbing his eyes like something I said had upset him. 'Someday, Andrew... you're going to realize, and then-' He paused, looking at me sadly. 'You'll only be disappointed.'

You could never disappoint me.

I wanted to say it, but I couldn't with the way he was looking at me. I averted my eyes and looked down, noticing a bulge in his pants.

'What's that?' I inquired, poking it to change the subject.

'That's nothing,' James quickly replied, shoving a hand in his pocket.

'No there's- something in your pocket.' I yanked his hand out, my curiosity overcoming me.

In his fist James held a small transparent bag. It's contents were green and rather plant-like, ground into a fine powder. I could smell it from here. I think I knew what it was... I couldn't believe it.

'Is that WEED?'

Hell's Angel (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon