10 - Ro | Meeting The Void

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I stare in disgusted at all the adorable kittens rolling around in their enclosure. Detestably happy children cluster around them and dangle their silly little yo-yo's and balls of yarn for the tiny furballs to play with. The kittens mew and swipe at them, making the most horribly cute sounds.

I narrow my eyes, trying to decide between a striped grey one who's hugging a cuddly toy, and a little orange one who has somehow gotten trapped under a box and is failing to get it off.

"You should get that one!"

I jump at the sound of the angel's voice. "Are you following me?" I demand, swiveling around to fix a deathly glare upon her.

"I got bored of watching Andrew doing homework so I came to hang out with you instead," Finny says, seemingly unfazed by my hellish glower.

She points at a dark corner away from the enclosure. "Get that one!"

I walk to where she points, looking into the shadows. A huge pair of emerald green eyes opens and a pink tongue sticks out at me. It's a tiny ball of a kitten with pitch black fur that blends it into the shadows. It chomps on the leg of the table it's hiding under.

"You can name it The Void!" Finny coos.

It had likely clawed his way up the walls of the enclosure and then made a dash for it. I try to pick it up, but The Void wraps his paws around the table leg and holds on tightly. I yank a little harder and he lets go to turn around and hiss at me, chomping down hard on my finger.

I almost squeak—almost—and drop the kitten in the process. I can't bleed, even in my human form, but the puncture marks of teeth are still visible.

"Demon kitten! It's perfect for you, Rosie!"

"It's for Andrew," I grumble, thinking that it's actually more perfect for her. The evil Hell Angel.

Finny starts dragging me out of the store but I stop at the cashier first, explaining to her that this is a pet shop and not a shelter. I don't know what they teach them up in heaven. She gasps in horror as I pay, claiming that I'm 'The Utmost Rudest Ever'—whatever that means. I ignore it because I don't have the energy for a conversation with her right now.

"How awesome that we found a full black one," Finny says joyously as we leave the store. "It can hide in the shadows and then jump out and scare us."

"That's why you were so insistent on this one?" I hold the demon cat carefully around the neck so that he can't bite me again. He still tries his best, twisting this way and that to get in a good chomp. "I don't think taking it to the human is a good idea—this cat is clearly vicious. Maybe we should just return it."

"Animals just don't like you, Rosie, because they can sense your evil aura," Finny says. "He won't bite Andrew."

I let out an exasperated breath, realizing she's right. With those final words of wisdom, Finny switches into her invisible form and floats away, leaving me to drag my bike down the street. I don't actually know how to ride it, but I need it as a prop.

I arrive at the human's house and the door flies open as soon as I knock. Andrew is in a orange T-shirt, awry curls falling over wide eyes.

"Oh, Andrew! I didn't know you lived here," I lie, using my demon powers of persuasion to really sell it. I'm not sure it works.

"Who did you think lived here?" he blinks, glancing down at the bundle in my arms.

The Void is wrapped up in the hoodie that Andrew insisted on returning to me. It's hidden from sight, buried within the soft material.

"No one in particular. I was riding my bike when I spotted this little fellow on your front yard. I came to return him, thinking he had escaped. Though...I see now it doesn't have a collar. Probably a stray."

Andrew stares at me, confusion flitting over his features. I almost think he's not going to say anything but then The Void pops out of his hiding place.

Andrew breaks into the widest grin, his hesitance forgotten. He scoops up the kitten, nuzzling it against his face. The Void cuddles into his hands and purrs sweetly, showing none of the temper that it showed me. It turns its head towards me and stick out its tongue. Andrew doesn't notice the rude gesture, his eyes tightly shut as he peppers little kisses on the undeserving cat.

Now comes step two of my well-laid plan.

A/N: did you SEE the pic of The Void???!!!!
Vote for more cat pics<3

Hell's Angel (EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن